Another windy, rainy, chilly March day in Tennessee. It is 48 degrees at 3:40 p.m. It was 50 degrees when we got up this morning, so I do believe the thermostat is heading in the wrong direction. They did mention snow and much colder temps in the next day or two. This up and down temperatures really play havoc with us all. I think it is the cause of the colds and such that keep going around. The Kleenex company is enjoying all this “good” weather, I’m sure.

Nothing very exciting going on around here today. I did the laundry, cleaned out a couple of drawers, etc. Sierra isn’t a fan of all the wind as she has been antsy on and off today. The wind has had some pretty good gusts which has sent things flying against the door and side of the house. Even I have heard it, and felt it. But, the oak tree is still standing so all is good.

Tonight is Crafts so an early dinner. We are having Chicken Ceaser Salad. That is easy and fast, The chicken I cooked yesterday so all that is needed is to cut it up and toss it in the salad. We can have garlic toast with it, maybe. She goes to the dentist tomorrow morning and to PT so won’t be wanting to much in the way of carbs.

Tennessee has had an out crop of brush fires this week and part of last week. I think they are all either out or under control. They are calling them wild fires. Several counties have had them and have had to evacuate people. So far one county had one structure burned down and another county had two structures burn down. LVMPD is now using robot dogs in their work of fighting crime. I just saw a video of one and it is fascinating. However, the person who designed the dog needs art lessons. It doesn’t really look like a German Shepard, more like something out of a kids animated movie. But I am sure it can and will do its job perfectly. I do believe that it is needed everywhere now. It seems we hear of more officers being shot and killed in the line of duty now.

Wha’s House Hold Hints: “Refreshing Carpets” To restore freshness to carpets – wipe them with a cloth or sponge which has been dipped in a strong salt water solution and wring out to remove excess moisture.”

have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it a cheerful, positive, productive, and fun day,



A very windy day. Cloudy, 69 degrees, dry, and windy! From what the weather lady said this morning it is going to be high winds though tomorrow, then possible rain and cooler temperatures. Maybe a snow shower or two. It is March, and even though it came in like a frisky lamb, the lion is about to roar I do believe.

Today I have worked on Birthday cards and pictures. I am behind as usual so am playing catch up. Better late then never. The pictures are for past, present and future projects that need to get completes. time flies when you are having fun with housework and other interesting projects. Yesterday it was Bible Study.

In bible Study we are still on Revelations and Daniel. It is very interesting. Our leader knows how to research and does it very well. She has come up with some interesting information on what a few things mean. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with Monday. The information is what different bible study students, authors, ministers and people have come up with. I remember that Jackie Brady has had a study group studying Revelations for quite awhile, and they are probably still studying that book. There is a lot to it and the more you read it, the more questions you have, the more you want to know.

Tomorrow I believe I will do laundry as I wanted to do cards and such today. Also vacuum the upstairs. That carpet is so hard to keep looking halfway decent, and collects all the lint, fur, etc.

sierra always leaves a clump of fur as she sheds often. We have warm weather and she shed like a tree, then we have cold weather and she eats like a little pig. The weather warms up a bit, and she sheds. I understand from others that their pets do the same thing.

Our carport is once again full of leaves and twigs. It should look full by this time tomorrow. I will go out and sweep it after the storm has passed. That should be about Friday, I think. By then I will probably use a shovel!???

The neighbors with the pit bull dogs moved out this past weekend. I understand that they moved into a 5 bedroom house with a fenced in yard. I sure hope so and that the dogs get a yard to run and play in. I still believe that dogs need a fenced in yard to play and get exercise. the little house dogs can do fine in the house with going for walks two or three times a day, but the bigger dogs need a yard.

Our neighbor who owned Minnie sold her to a man who lives in Kentucky. Melinda is terribly allergic and finally had to find her a good home. The man who got her fell in love at first sloppy kiss. Malinda is slowly healing from the dander reaction. she thought a small dog wouldn’t have so much dander. Now she thinks she wants a monkey. She thinks they won’t have dander. It is a live animal and will have dander. But, I wish her well on her Monkey wishes.

Wah’s House Hold Hints: ‘CLEANING SUEDE JACKETS’ : Brush it with a suede brush–the kind you use for shoes, and go over the jacket with a washcloth dipped in vinegar and wrung out well.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a pleasant, productive, energetic and fun day.



A windy but sunny day, Rather on the cool side. It was 27 degrees when we got up. Now it is 58 degrees. We still feel the coolness in the house. Our house stays cool, so hope that it stays cool this summer. I have the heat on 68 to 72 degrees. Heat rises so the upstairs is comfortable but a bit cool downstairs.

I hope you had a good weekend. We sure did. My Great Grandson, Chael, was here visiting. He is such a fine young man, tall, good looking, helpful, cheerful, and polite. Oh, yes, smart too. He helped do a few thing around the house, like put thing is the upper cupboards without needing a stool or ladder, swept out the carport, moved a couple of things from the carport to the front porch , put all our collected yard sale items in the shed, etc. All is and was greatly appreciated.

In the afternoon we took him to the Little Ponderosa Zoo. It had grown and had been rearranged since we were last there, so a bit more walking and more animals to appreciate. There were some new little Nangerian goats that are so cute and so funny. Of course there are a whole lot more animals…Bison, Tiger, kangaroos, deer, goats, sheep, zebras, monkeys, birds, lizards, snakes, and more. It was a fun and interesting trip to the zoo.

The Ponderosa Zoo is an animal rescue zoo. If ever in the neighborhood, East Tennessee, Anderson County, I hope you can make time to visit this remarkable zoo. They have wagons you can rent to place small children in in case they get tired of walking. The have motorized scooters for the ones unable to walk all that far. They have a space for large groups for meetings or birthday parties, etc. The have a gift shop that is dedicated to stuff animals, tee shirts, small knick knacks, magnets, post cards, and such. They depend on donations as they have no grants, etc. The veterinary department at the University of Tennessee voluntaries there and is the medical people who take care of the animals. Occasionally they will have ones to adopt, such a parakeets. The zoo is fantastic, educational and fun. Yes, you can feed and or pet a lot of the animals. The camels love you to give them snacks as do the goats and deer. Treats are their favorite and will gather just “be first”.

Wah’s House Hold Hints: GREASE SPOTS: When grease spots still linger on cottons after laundering, cover the soiled area with cornstarch and pass a warm iron over it several times. Brush off, & the spot will disappear.”

Have a great rest of you Monday. Make it a cheerful, productive, and fun day.
