Another windy, rainy, chilly March day in Tennessee. It is 48 degrees at 3:40 p.m. It was 50 degrees when we got up this morning, so I do believe the thermostat is heading in the wrong direction. They did mention snow and much colder temps in the next day or two. This up and down temperatures really play havoc with us all. I think it is the cause of the colds and such that keep going around. The Kleenex company is enjoying all this “good” weather, I’m sure.
Nothing very exciting going on around here today. I did the laundry, cleaned out a couple of drawers, etc. Sierra isn’t a fan of all the wind as she has been antsy on and off today. The wind has had some pretty good gusts which has sent things flying against the door and side of the house. Even I have heard it, and felt it. But, the oak tree is still standing so all is good.
Tonight is Crafts so an early dinner. We are having Chicken Ceaser Salad. That is easy and fast, The chicken I cooked yesterday so all that is needed is to cut it up and toss it in the salad. We can have garlic toast with it, maybe. She goes to the dentist tomorrow morning and to PT so won’t be wanting to much in the way of carbs.
Tennessee has had an out crop of brush fires this week and part of last week. I think they are all either out or under control. They are calling them wild fires. Several counties have had them and have had to evacuate people. So far one county had one structure burned down and another county had two structures burn down. LVMPD is now using robot dogs in their work of fighting crime. I just saw a video of one and it is fascinating. However, the person who designed the dog needs art lessons. It doesn’t really look like a German Shepard, more like something out of a kids animated movie. But I am sure it can and will do its job perfectly. I do believe that it is needed everywhere now. It seems we hear of more officers being shot and killed in the line of duty now.
Wha’s House Hold Hints: “Refreshing Carpets” To restore freshness to carpets – wipe them with a cloth or sponge which has been dipped in a strong salt water solution and wring out to remove excess moisture.”
have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it a cheerful, positive, productive, and fun day,