MONDAY, JULY 11, 2022

Monday, July 11, 2022 Sunny Very Warm 87 Degrees Dry 6:03 p.m.

A beautiful Summer day, warm, slightly humid, all in all, not bad humidity wise. It has been a busy day for a Monday. I had a doctor’s appointment, then Tina and I had our nails done. You may check face book for hers. They are cute. Mine are pretty and summery. Lunch and a trip to Walmart ended the days activities. We are now home, the news is on and the cats have had their dinner. Lunch covered lunch and dinner so will have fruit or jell-o or something after awhile.

My weekend was nice. The dogs are good, playful and cuddly. We didn’t have a major thunderstorm so I didn’t have barking and cowering dogs at all. Saturday night someone in that neighborhood thought it was fun to shoot off fireworks so we had a bit of a barking warning but I think some human outside had that bit of fun curtailed quickly. It is against the law to shoot them off in the city limits and there is a hefty fine if caught doing so. All was quiet after that.

The above picture is of Finley and one of her favorite toys. Mine also as it is easy to hold when playing tug-of-war and also fetch. We play that a lot. Murphy has his squeak toy and he loves squeaking it. Lacy has a duck and she likes to play fetch with it as well as tug of war, but she doesn’t tug, just holds it and growls. so funny. They are fun dogs.

While I was there all weekend, Tina painted the inside of the kitchen cupboards. They look so nice , bright and easy to see things in them. They were a dark brown prior to being painted. She did the top cupboards. she wants to do the lower ones so they will be done in the future sometime. Each thing we get done around here helps.

Quote of the day: Indtead of looking for answers to the unanswerable questions, look for joy in the life you’ve been given and Let yourself be glad you’re alive. Have genuine Happiness despite your condition. Enjoy laughter. It’s available everywhere once you start looking for it. Norma Baczman

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, enjoyable, positive and fun day.
