Friday, August 5, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Breezy 74 Degrees 5 : 16 p.m.

Thunder is booming lightening is striking and I know the next downpour is arriving soon. We were at Dottie’s this afternoon and while there enjoyed a thunderstorm and a downpour of rain for about 45 minutes. I really knows how to rain in this area. I am so thankful we have had no flooding. It has reached the bottom of the front door but that is all. The doormat got soaked and that was about it. I understand that we will have this type of weather for the nest week or so. We do have green grass and pretty flowers.

Some of the locals say that they haven’t had a summer like this for many years and this is not normal. It is what it is and I am not complaining. Those poor folks in Kentucky are the ones really hurting right now. They have lost everything.

After not having the car last night and most of this morning, we got it back. The problem was the gas cap. It needed to be replaced as it leaked fumes into the car that set off the engine light. We are so thankful that it wasn’t something major.

Jerry said that they have no power now so I am going to end this and send it off before we have no power. That would be sad.

Quote for the day: “God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do—-and the eyesight to know the difference” My calendar.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday and a fantastic weekend. fill it all with love, laughter, adventure, and fun
