Thursday, September 15, 2022 Sunny Windy Warm Pretty 79 Degrees 3:49 p.m.

Another beautiful day in East Tennessee. A little yard work and a little house work has kept me busy today. also talking on the phone and texting and even e-mailing. Next comes preparing dinner. We are having chicken and rice, a green veggie and a garbanzo salad. Desert is either a cookie or a small slice of cake.

Today is he 258th day of the year. The news this morning said that all should do their Christmas shopping early as prices will be going up. I have been working on Christmas and birthday shopping all year, a little at a time so am not to worried about it at present. I think they are talking about big ticket items. They also were telling about interest rates going up and the prices of homes not coming down very much. If your house payment is 1500 now it will go up because of the interest going up. Scary.

Mayor Bill came over and emptied the raised garden, cleaned it out and will use it to put his house plants in and set them in the carport while he is on his cruse. I will go and water them and make sure they are a O.K. I doubt we will have a frost or a freeze while he is gone, but if so, I will put the plants in the house.

Quote of the day: “Signs that you are getting old: Dialing long distance wears you out.” My calendar. You can tell the calendar has been around quite awhile as who dials on a phone now days?

Have a great rest of your day. Make it energizing, enthusiastic, enjoyable and fun.
