Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Sunny Breezy Chilly 38 Degrees 9:58 a.m.

Another beautiful day in Oak Ridge. It is defiantly chilly outdoors but nice in the house. Milo is enjoying the sun coming in the glass screen door. We are enjoying the sun coming in the windows and helping to warm the house. Even the birds are out singing and enjoying the beauty of the morning.

Jeff and Nanette are making good time getting back to Reno. They were in Kingman Arizona at the last report. Jeff wants to get home so he can have a couple of days to recoup prior to going back to work. I am sure that Nanette does also. That is a long trip for sure. The gas there is $5.50 per gallon. Here it is $3.38 per gallon.

Today Rooms To Go will deliver our new lamp and take the big three headed one back. It is way to big for in here. I believe the new one will fit just perfect, but will make sure before they leave here. I should of had them take this one back when they delivered it, but didn’t. Should of, would of, could of! Hind sight is 20/20. Meaning that I have perfect hind sight vision. ):

Other then that our day holds a bit of housework and a trip to Belk’s to exchange a pair of slacks that are way to long for me. Miss sized on their part. It said short and it is wrong. They are long. I can hold them up to my chin and they hit the top of my shoes. I doubt I know anyone that tall. I doubt I will grow that tall. I seem to be shrinking rather then growing. At least not in height.

Quote of the day: Try smiling at others. A smile is contagious and you will feel better as others smile at you. Alfred A. Montafert

Have a great Wednesday. Make it a beautiful, busy, adventurous and fun day.
