Friday, November 4, 2022 Sunny Breezy Pretty Cool 61 Degrees 12:21 p.m.
Another beautiful day here in East Tennessee. The weatherman said that a cold front is going to be passing through tomorrow but the temperature for a high tomorrow will be 77 to 79 degrees. It should be 77 today. So here we have early fall like weather while out west I understand they are having winter like weather. With the drought that they are experiencing, they certainly need all the moisture that they can get.
The big Vols game is tomorrow so this end of the state is dressed in orange and white today. The weatherman has on an orange suit with a white shirt and a orange and white stripped tie. One of the girls had on a orange blouse and the other girl had on an orange sweater. By game time tomorrow evening Athens Georgia will be full of Vols orange and white clad fans. Athens Georgia is 4 1/2 hours away from the University in Knoxville. The fans who had to work today will be on the road as soon as they get off work. At least those going to the game and have tickets. others will go and watch the game vie TV from several different locations there. Athens businesses love seeing all the Vols fans.
Meanwhile we will watch the game here at home and possibly get a closet cleaned out, maybe BBQ something and enjoy the evening. No being in the crowd or in the traffic on the freeways. We are getting to be less enthused about being in crowds.
Did you go out and get your Power ball ticket? That sum is astronomical. 1.2 Billion Dollars is so unimaginable. If you did,I wish you Good Luck!
Quote of the day: Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday…..but not nearly enough.
Have a great Friday and super fantastic Weekend. Make each day adventurous, exciting, energetic, relaxing and fun.