Monday, November 7, 2022 Partly Cloudy Very Warm 75 Degrees 1:38 p.m.
The weather here is beautiful, but very warm. The weatherman said that it will start to cool down this weekend. This is more like summer then November. Our high today should be close to 80 degrees, if not 80 degrees. It was 80 yesterday.
The weekend was good . We celebrated Noah’s birthday with a brunch at Jerry and Tammy’s home. So good! Besides, Jerry, Tammy, (his mom), Dottie, (his grandmother) there was his Great Great aunt and a cousin from Cincinnati Ohio. After a breakfast of breakfast casserole, biscuits and gravy and fruit and juice, there was cake. The cake, his favorite, was a Tres Leche. It is very good. We had a good visit and enjoyed meeting Dottie’s aunt and cousin. Very fun and interesting ladies.
After we left there we went to where Jo Ann’s use to be. We discovered that they had moved to the West Town Mall. So we went into Tuesday Morning’s and looked around a bit. They didn’t have what we were looking for so left there and headed back to Oak Ridge. We stopped at Home Goods and found what we needed. Since Tina had done something to her leg and back she was using the cane and not wanting to do much in the way of walking or anything else. We went home right after Home Goods.
The Vols lost the game to the Georgia Bulldogs. Sad but one can’t win them all. They lost their 1 place standing which hurt more then loosing the game I think. They are 0 for 1, or however that goes. I hope that they can make it up and get back into the top 4.
Sunday was very quiet around here. We got up, had coffee, watched Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries, ate breakfast, started wrapping Christmas gifts, watched TV and did some reading. We had a grand dinner of bacon and eggs and biscuits.
This morning she was a bit better so went to work with the cane. Her new best friend for a few days. We have three of them so she will have one here and in the car and where ever she leaves the other one. I have done the laundry and straightened the house up, dishes and pulled ham hocks, beans and rice out of the freezer for dinner. I will fix a salad and maybe corn bread to go with it. I am trying to use up the leftovers I have frozen to make room for the Thanksgiving and Christmas foods that will be frozen, before or after the great meals. Tina said she will make banana bread this coming weekend. i hope so as we have a ton of bananas frozen.
Quote of the day: “One of the most comforting things for hurting parents is discovering there are hundreds of other parents out there who have gone through the same painful struggles—-and survived.” My calendar!
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make is a productive, profitable, energetic and fun day.