Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Sunny Warm Slight Breeze 70 Degrees 11:38 a.m.
Once again we have summer like temperatures in November. the weatherman said that by this weekend we will be getting temperatures below normal instead of above normal. I wonder what normal really is? I think it will be nice to be able to wear a sweater for Thanksgiving. The cooking and baking will warm up the house and the extra pounds that will be added to waists, etc. will help keep the warmth in and the cold out? It works for bears.
I’m considering making pumpkin bread and maybe some cookies today. The snack cupboard is getting a bit bare so needs something to fill up the empty spots. I have been hankering for pumpkin bread and now is as good a time as any to make some. It will also give Tina snack to take in her lunch for work. I am thinking salmon patties and fried potatoes, and broccoli for dinner and this will be desert.
Tina is doing better as no cane went with her to work this morning. she is walking with a straight back and not a limp today and that is a good sign. Now if she just stays that way. She often thinks she is wonder woman and can do everything. Then she painfully finds out that she isn’t. I think that is one of the times when the “truth hurts”.
Quote of the day: “Boxes! The four boxes that rule the world—–Cartridge-box, Ballot-Box, Jury-Box and Band-Box. Websters Quotes
Have a terrific Tuesday. Make it a thrifty, thriving, talented, and fun day