Thursday, December 8, 2022 Cold Raining Foggy 56 Degrees 3:46 p.m.

True to the weatherman’s word, it is raining, again, still, now and probably tomorrow. The high today is supposed to be 50 but it feels more like 50 right now. I have to admit that is better then 30 or 40. I think that it is the humidity, the dampness that makes it feel so cold.

Not a great deal of news around here. Of course we aren’t moving Dottie as it is way to wet to put in a power pole right now. Maybe next month she will get to move into her new home. I was looking back at the blogs and saw that she started packing last January. It’s been a while and what a great opportunity to go through everything and sort, throw, give, etc all drawers, closets and cupboards. Of course, I don’t think a year is needed to accomplish all of that. But when you are expecting to move, having all that time is wonderful because there is no rush or pressure to get it done.

Max, the poodle, I am sure, doesn’t feel that way. His house is turned upside down and, being blind, it makes life very confusing. He pretty much stays on the couch, out of the way. He knows where his food and water are, and where the bed in the bedroom is, and how to get there. Also the front door when he wants or needs to go out. With all of this rain, he only requires that when absolutely necessary. After all, he isn’t a duck.

We have a few puddles in the front yard and a few puddles in the back. Nothing flooding and that is good. We do have the sand bags if needed but so far the water seems to be absorbed into the ground every time it quits raining for an hour or so. For that, we am thankful.

We have less then a week until Tina, Tammy, Dottie and I go to the Biltmore. Now we are getting excited . I just imagine how beautiful it is with all the Christmas Decorations tastefully displayed. We also get to see the Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of Genius .This is about his achievements and brilliance being brought to life. I am sure that will be very interesting. All will be interesting. Just might have to come home and re-decorate. !?

Quote of the day: “Sometimes my mind is so uncomfortable, I wish i could go somewhere and take it off”. Ashleigh Brilliant

Have a cheerful, adventurous, enjoyable and fun rest of your day.
