Friday, December 9, 2022 Cloudy Foggy Chilly 58 Degrees 2:15 p.m.
A great Friday afternoon. No rain. At least not so far. I think that we are in the drying stages for now but might see more rain tomorrow evening through Sunday morning. I am in hopes that the sun will shine for a little while. I am sure that Sierra needs some vitamin D.
There isn’t a great deal going on around here. With the wet weather people aren’t being walked as much by their dogs. And the birds tend to stay in their homes or have left for warmer and sunnier climates. I guess they are the original “snowbirds”.
The Christmas tree is up and the house is decorated. One more trip to the post office and all packages will be mailed. The Christmas letter is written and ready to be put in cards. They should all be ready to mail by Monday or Tuesday. Once all that is done, I can enjoy doing some of the crafts I have started, wrapping gifts that don’t have to be mailed and watch Christmas programs, Hallmark Movies, etc. Just thinking about it makes me smile.
This coming week we go visit the Biltmore and that thought is so exciting. We all are interested in going there and seeing EVERY THING! Charlene said she watched a documentary on it and it was wonderful so know that we will enjoy it. I would of liked to of seen that. I am hoping for good weather.
Quote of the day: “Lord deliver us from war, pollution and cellulite buildup”. My Calendar
Have a fantastic Friday and weekend. Enjoy patiently doing the malls, stores, freeways and byways. Be safe, healthy and have fun.