Thursday, May 18, 2023 Mostly cloudy Slight breeze Quiet 76 Degrees 4:09 p.m.
A typical spring day, might rain, might not, not hot, not cold, a bit humid. A pretty day, but not sparkling as when the sun is shining brightly. I guess one might say, a relaxing weather day.
Watching the news this morning was interesting. We have both Democrats and Republicans meeting and discussing the budget, how to try and reach an agreement so the United States of America can pay its’ bills. President Biden off to Japan to discuss world affairs, and The governor of Montana outlawing a popular social media apt. then there is Harry and Megan and the tabloid fame chasers tearing up new York City. And yesterday, we found out that Martha Stewart is on the cover of a Sports magazine! WOW!! She was on the Today show announcing that bit of news. Somehow, I never pictured her as a Cover Girl.
Last evenings dinner was not so good. The lasagna was weird. It tasted O.K. but we never found the sauce nor the noodles. It consisted of very mildly flavored hamburger with white cheese melted over it. We have decided that we won’t buy that again.. Tonight will be the hamburgers and mac and cheese. They will be home made.
I am slowly reading the book of Leonardo DA Vinci. He was quite an interesting and talented person. He invented things way before people ever thought about them much less could use them. He was famous for his being a Renaissance painter and sculptor, and was known as an engineer and a scientist, his work in these fields remained hidden for centuries.He was brilliant beyond words. He was a true genius in every way. More on this subject as I get farther along in this book.
Quote of the day: Experience does not err. Only your judgments err but expecting from her what is not in her power.” Leonardo DA Vinci
Have a Tremendous Thursday, safety, prosperity, well being and fun.