MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023

Monday, June 5, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Raining/Sunny Warm 73 Degrees 4:55 p.m.

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, filled with fun activities, rest, health and great weather.

This is an interesting weather afternoon. We have rain and sunshine together. It stops raining for a few minutes then it starts up again. The rain is welcome as we are about three inches short from April and May. Maybe June will make up for it. It was 81 but has cooled down to 73 degrees now and that is nice. I do believe if the rain goes away it will climb back up to the 80’s again. Add humidity to that. and ugh!

We had a stay at home weekend. It was wonderful to just hang around the house and get odds and ends done, read some, played on the computer, napped and enjoyed. Tina did the same and really enjoyed it as they had been short handed at work so everyone there had a bit more then their share to get done. I heard no complaints which was nice.

Tina will be late getting home this evening. she had to go to the post office, then to the bank, then to Home Depot, then to Walmart and I believe home is after all of that. I will wait and see how hungry she is before doing dinner. It is just to warm things up so no big deal. Last night we had aw-gratin potatoes with Ki0lbassa and veggie, and a cookie for dessert. It was tasty but the sausage was a bit spicier then normal. A different brand.

Today was laundry day, had it all done by noon. That gave me time to write a couple of letters and do a bit of cleaning before now, dinner time.

Quote of the day: ” The greatest beautifier is a contented heart and a happy outlook” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a super adventurous, productive, positive, sunny and fun day.
