Monday, July 5, 2021, 4:48 p.m. Mostly sunny, slight breezy, 89 degrees, humid. This is summer in East Tennessee
How was your 4th of July? I hope it was fun and safe and healthy. My hope is that all are remembering the foundation and principles that our great nation was founded upon, and the price of the freedom and liberty we all enjoy and tend to take for granted. My heart goes out to Afghanistan and all the people there who are and will be suffering at the hands of the Taliban and Isis. My prayer is that God will allow our nation to remain under Him, inadvisable.
The 4th of July was beautiful..Weather was nice, warm but not hot, clear and a little breeze. We enjoyed chips and dip, ribs, macaroni salad, fresh green beans with new potatoes, corn bread and a sheet cookie, iced with white icing, strawberries and blue berries all in the shape of the American flag!. So pretty, and good. Around 7 P.M. we went to Kroger’s parking lot, set up lawn chairs and prepared to watch the fireworks. The place was packed as most everyone did the same thing. The fire works didn’t start until a bit after 10:00 p.m., but they were good and very pretty. I loved the little kids that were next to us with their oohs and awes. Most every child out there had sparklers or some type of fun and safe fireworks type thing. The police drove around making sure all was safe. One person was arrested for drunk and disorderly, and got his car towed. Other then that it was very peaceful and nice
Hope you are having a wonderful day and enjoying a quiet, safe and relaxing Monday. Have a blessed day.