Wednesday, August 2, 2023 Cloudy Windy Warm Bit Humid 89 Degrees 3:42 p.m.
A good summer day. There is a storm coming in so the morning sun has given way to afternoon clouds. The rain should be here the rest of the week, being showers and thunderstorms. That means not a steady rain but on and off, mostly on, for the next three or four days. It also means the temperature will go up some and the humidity will go up a whole lot. Summertime in East Tennessee.
Monday was garbage day. The recycle truck came and picked up the recycling. Now it is Wednesday afternoon and we haven’t seen the garbage man as yet. Also, no word as to why. One opinion is that the garbage men are on strike. Another is that the truck broke down. Who knows. I guess we will wait another day, then call and see what is going on. Meanwhile all these pretty blue containers on wheels are sitting curbside like proud blue soldiers, all in a row. At least they look neat.
On the radio this morning, The Bobby Bones Show, they were discussing the Barbie movie. Now the latest things for dating is If the boys don’t like the Barbie Movie, the girls won’t date them! Next it will probably be the boys will have to also wear pink shirts. I will have to watch the kids get off the school bus to see how many girls are wearing pink……….and boys. The new Fad!
When Charles moved in, a few months before we moved in, he had to have a couple of trees cut down. This morning a guy came with this large machine and ground the stumps clear down to ground level. Now Charles can mow without having to worry about hitting a stump. He was going to dig them up but the roots go on forever in all directions so he would of probably been digging the whole block up. It does look neat and nice there now.
Quote of the day: “The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement on Friday.” My calendar
Have a great rest of your hump day Make it a busy, fascinating, adventurous and fun day.