Thursday, September 14, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Few Clouds 79 Degrees 4:21 p.m.
Another beautiful late summer day. It has been a quiet day with only two hummingbirds and a wren or two. The leaves are slowly beginning to change color and there is a feel of fall in the air. We will be having cooler nights and days in the 7os and maybe some low 80’s. So it is said anyhow.
Today I have played catch up and went through all the mail and junk on my desk. The mail consisted mostly of adds but some political stuff and lots of “donations please” letters. The political ones were the same. My opinion and a donation for the cause. I have a feeling that they could care less about my opinion but just want money. They didn’t get either. Now the shredder is nearly full and my desk top is nearly empty. So nice.
Tomorrow I was going to Knoxville but Dottie isn’t feeling well, picked up a bug, so will stay home and let her recoup. That is sad to be ill on your birthday. Tomorrow is her birthday and she will be 21 again. I will send her an E-card and call her. I can’t do much else since all are staying away so her bug leave and she becomes bug-less.
From the news I understand that there is a criminal running loose, wanted for murder. He was in Kentucky but they said that he has returned to Anderson County so I have my doors locked, just in case. I am not sure what part of Anderson County so will just be careful. They just caught the one in Pennsylvania. There, the dog is the hero.
Quote of the day: “Signs that you are getting older: Dialing long distance wears you out.” My calendar. You can tell I have had this calendar for a few years…….quite a few years.
Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a whimsical, enjoyable, creative and fun day.