Monday, February 4, 2024 Rainy Cloudy Chilly 54 Degrees 4:27 p.m.
Time flies and I don’t accomplish what I am supposed to do. Last Thursday I was in Knoxville all day, visiting with Dottie. I road in with Tina. Dottie and I had a good visit. Her place is so cute and she is quite busy doing projects she started a few years ago. She has finish quilts that are so cute. I can’t remember what her current project is, but I know when the weather gets better she is going to refinishe her bedroom furniture. She is one talented lady.
Friday I returned to working on the house. Of course the rain started and that made doing anything outdoors off the menu. Tina and I had thought of going to the store when she got home, but gave that idea up. She did stop and pick up dinner, Zaxbe’s chicken fingers.
Saturday we went grocery shopping and got back home just as the rain started again. it poured for quite a while. So we did laundry, and did some more sorting and putting away. Sunday Dillon came and finished the one wall, painted and then painted the baseboards all around the craft room, TV room and bathroom. The man who did the floors neglected to do the finishing of the baseboard. After he left we cleaned off shelves. So dusty and a bit dirty after being in the car port for four months. Then started to put things back. We got the games back where they belong and a few of the picture albums. Many more to go as well as all the craft projects that need to be put where we can get at them. it will take a few days. I got some done today before Pamela came over to visit. it is nice when she pops in.
Tomorrow I will be in Knoxville visiting Dottie. After Tina, Tammy and Jerry get off work we all are going out to dinner to celebrate Jerry’s birthday. So, no blog tomorrow, but will be telling all about Jerry’s birthday bash on Wednesday. Stay tuned……
Did you all watch the Super Bowl? And who has Super Bowl Flu this Monday? The news this morning said that there is a motion going around to make Super Bowl Monday a national holiday as so many call in ill on that day. I understand that Super Bowl Flu is quite contagious to those who watch the game at the stadium, with friends at the clubs, bars, or house parties. I guess even those who are watching it all alone can contact the same flu. It must be something in the water.
Quote of the day: “Never doubt that small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed; it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead, 1901 – 1978. American anthropologist; writer. Nothing is impossible with God. Like 1:37
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a healthy, adventurous, enjoyable and fun day.