Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Cloudy Warmish/Coolish Rain Expected 70 Degrees 4:14 p.m.

It is March. Yesterday was beautiful. Nice, Sunny, Warm and just lane Pretty. Today it is cloudy and rain is expected on and off this afternoon through Wednesday afternoon, last I heard. So far we just have clouds and a slight breeze. That is fine with me.

Jerry and Tammy have been very busy laying sod in their back yard. He wanted to get it done before the rain started so worked all weekend and again last evening.Dottie said that they got it all done. I imagine that it is gorgeous. We would like to do that out front here but am not sure it would do much good, We have lots of clover with our bit of grass. I just know that all five of their furry family members will enjoy the lush green grass to play to play on and nap on. However, it might end Sarge and Dallas’s beauty mud baths. Their soft as silk skin might suffer a bit. I know their long, beautiful fun will appreciate not having to have a spa bubble bath daily.(if not oftener).

Yesterday was doctor’s visits. Tina had to have a follow up with the cardio doctor, and I had to get my toe nails trimmed. I learned that everything has been up graded in their computer program. So they needed my insurance cards, ID card, make sure my address and phone number were correct. Fine. That was no a problem. So I am called back, and am in the chair. The nurse comes in and asks me a few dozen more questions, then said, “Smile” and took my picture. When I asked why? She said that it is now required for all patients. So I go pick Tina up at her doctor’s office. She had the same experience.

Earlier in the day, yesterday, I went to check my bank account. I couldn’t get in my account. After it told me I failed three times, that I needed to call the bank. It was about time for Tina to arrive so gave that up for another time. When we got home she said I must of done something wrong, so had me try again. She called the bank and was told that even though we have the same savings account , I needed to get my own account number and pass word. I will have to do that tomorrow. The only thing it will change is how I get in to our accounts. So goes life in this modern day of Technology.

Quote of the day: ” We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss the chance to see the rainbow on the way.” Gloria Gaither 1942 …. American Writer. Singer/songwriter.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, adventurous, interesting and fun day.
