Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Sunny Nice, Breezy Clear 63 Degrees 2:53 p.m.
I need to go grocery shopping for our St. Patties Day dinner so thought I should get the blog done before I hit the grocery store. I have my corned beef in the freezer, and I broke out the St. Patties Day sofa pillow and have it on the couch. It is nice to get a head start. I am thinking I should put the winter fox up and bring down the lamb. Spring is right around the corner.
The weather is pretty right now, but the weatherman said rain come Friday. I am hoping that it is dry on Saturday as we need to get the flowerbed looking like humans live here. It needs the winter froze and dead to be removed and fresh plants , rocks, whatever to replace it. Both Tina and I like the idea of rock rather then mulch as the weeds grow through the mulch even with the plastic underneath. And the mulch get blown away, dragged away, washed away. We shall see what flowers will be out there this year. Maybe pansies. The Dogwood tree is budding so am eager for it to bloom. We would like to plant a butterfly bush. We shall see.
I also have to make birthday cards as Wednesday is son Joe-ee’s birthday. He will be 61. He is doing O.K but seems to be regressing more each month. Dementia is not a easy disease for anyone…for the person who has it or their family and friends.
There isn’t much going on around here today. The dog, a black standard poodle who lives on the corner is out having a great time with his master. They are playing ball. They have a fenced in yard so he really gets to run and chase that ball. I am thinking that a fenced in area isn’t a bad idea. It would keep the dogs that aren’t on leashes from doing their business in our yard.
Quote of the day: “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for her own improvement and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.” Marie Curie 1867 – 1934, Polish-Born French physicist.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a productive, pleasant, active, and fun day.