Wednesday, July 3, 2024 Partly Sunny Breezy Hot 92 Degrees 4:43 p.m.
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVE! I hope you are planning on celebrating safely, sanely and having lots of fun while staying the beach, in the pool, at the river, at the lake, at the park, or in your own back yard. I hope you enjoy whatever you are doing to celebrate the 248th year of our Independence. Al tho it isn’t perfect, it is the best country on earth.
Today will be my last blog for a few days. I am not sure how long as the system is being revamped. My blog will return as soon as possible so keep checking your computer to see if I am back knocking at your “door”.
Not an exciting day around here. The heat keeps everyone inside and not out walking their dogs or kids out playing ,etc. I do miss all the entertainment of Albert and his dog, Shadow playing tug-a-war up and down the street. And all the other little ones with their humans.
The flags are out, including ours. It looks so nice to see them fluttering in the breeze.As for festivities in our city/town, there will be the high school band playing at one of the park prior to the fireworks which will start at 9:45 p.m. We won’t go as Tina has to work on Friday. It gets to be to late and she (and I) get up to early. But we will watch some of it on TV and that will be just fine.
I understand that school starts again July 22, and to me that is early. But I know that they have had several days off due to weather this past school year, so maybe it is right on schedule. I only go by the school buses that pick up the kids here. Way back when, or as they say now, Back In The Day, when I was going to school, our first day of school was the day after Labor Day. Our last day of school for the year was the Friday before Memorial Day. Now, it seems like they start earlier, end later but have tons of day off in between. We got Nevada Day off, which is Halloween. We got Thanksgiving day and the day after off. We got the week between Christmas and New Years. I don’t remember getting any time off between New Years and the end of school, but I am sure we got a couple of days here and there, probably Teacher’s work days. Times have changed.
Quote of the day: “Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive-it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we knew all about everything.” Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1874 – 1942. Canadian Writer.
Have a great rest of your hump day. And have a fantastic 4th of July. Make both safe, pleasurable, adventurous and fun.
See you on the computer soon.