A beautiful, Sunny, and breezy day. the humidity is way down, @ 60 %, and the temperature at 3:50 p.m. is 85 Degrees. Very nice and comfortable. I would of liked rain, but that part of the weather story went to the north east and missed us. Maybe next week we will get the rain. We most defiantly need it.. There is so many brown spots on the grass and leaves turning brown on some of the trees. We are in a drought .
I received an add on my cell phone last evening, saying I should ad this app and I wouldn’t get any adds or spam etc ever again. It would only cost $1.99 a month. I should act now as this special wouldn’t last long. So I forward it to Jerry to check out and make sure it wasn’t a spam. It did sound to good to be true. I haven’t heard back from him as yet. So many people wanting money, legally or not legally.
Tonight is Crafts at church. Tina is taking all the tie blanket kits she bought Sunday at Joanne’s with us. Joanne’s has them on sale right now. These blankets will be for the children’s hospital in Knoxville. It is a great project for the crafts group and for a worthy cause. Those children can certainly use them. They will be for the smaller children as they are the ones who need them. One of the ladies is making small caps for the children there, and another is making scarves for the older ones, I think. The caps are being knitted and the scarves are being done on a loom, knitted and crochets. I guess I will help tie but don’t know what else I can make for these children as I doubt scrap-booking is a need for there. Maybe I can make cards to go with the blankets. ????????
I texted my granddaughter early this morning, like 5:00 a.m., thanking her for the birthday pictures of my great granddaughter who turned 11 yesterday. I was up at 4:30 and down here for coffee by 5:00. I read my e-mails and never gave it a thought as to how early it was . I do need to send her an apology. I am aware of the people who live on the west coast, but don’t think about those who live on the east coast.
Dinner is grilled salmon with asparagus so have to end this and get with it. I want to have dinner on the table when Tina gets home so we can eat and get the dishes done before we go to crafts. it is a good plan but seldom works out.
Quote of the day: “Only in growth, reform, and change; paradoxically enough, is true security to be found.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh. 1906 – 2001. American writer: M. Charles Lindbergh.
Have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it a cheerful, kind, thoughtful, and fun day.