MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

A lazy Monday for me. It is hot but breezy, with clouds floating here and there. I am hoping for rain, at least a couple of showers to give the thirsty grass, trees and shrubs a drink. It is very sad to see the pretty green turning brown. they are saying rain Wednesday and the rest of the week. Showers, that is. We shall see. It is now 3:12 p.m. and 93 Degrees with 79% humidity. The humidity makes it muggy and feels hotter.

The weekend flew buy. Saturday was miserable, heat and humidity wise. Tina and I went to Jackson Square for breakfast, then to Walmart for what few groceries we needed. Sierra needed cat food, we needed bread and milk. Of course we got a few more things, like a cantaloupe and tomatoes, etc. then came home. The rest of the day was spent in the recliners, napping and sort of watching TV. The heat and humidity got us both, and we weren’t out in it very long. Walmart was quite warm so am not sure if they just had the cooling turned down or if it wasn’t working, but even the employees weren’t to happy, “saying it sure is warm!”

Yesterday was church, back to Walmart for the milk that we forgot, and then home. We accomplished a lot more yesterday then we did Saturday. Got the garbage gathered and out on the curb for the garbageman this morning. Showers and dressed, beds made, the TV room straightened and things put away that we didn’t do Saturday, like sunglasses and purses, shoes, etc.

Jerry and Tammy came over in the afternoon and finished putting Tina’s desk together. It looks very nice and neat now. That was defiantly needed. We both appreciate them coming over and finishing the desk. They have worked so hard on their home replacing carpets with flooring and panting the dining room and living room. They are very talented and extremely ambitious. I know the place looks very pretty and comfortable.

Quote of the day: “Every day we live a priceless gift of God, loaded with possibilities to learn something new, to gain fresh insights.” Dale Evans Rogers, 1912 – 2001, American Actor. M. Roy Rogers.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, prosperous, positive, kind and fun day.
