Thursday and we have beautiful weather. It is sunny, breezy, 82 degrees and mice, at 4:12 p.m. I like fall with nice weather. I saw a chipmunk scurrying around, looking for seeds, or what ever he could fine. they are so cute and little. The birds have been out singing and the squirrel has visited. A great day.

Yesterday was very busy. I washed, dried, folded and bagged 20 tie blankets. Today I had six to do. Six isn’t bad; twenty is a bit much. However, they are so nice and soft when done. We are getting close to the end of this project. Yea! We had Crafts last evening so that is where the 6 blankets cor today came from. We should finish up in the next week or two.

Other then that there isn’t much going on around here. The news is mostly about the flood victims from the flooding and hurricane. So far, for all states the death total, as of this morning, is 200, and they expect to find more. That is sad. The people in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia didn’t know or expect the storm would go so far inland, create such devastation through every town, city, road, freeway, everyplace. The flood waters did the most damage and took the lives. The major highways are still mostly impassable and the back roads are totally a mess. So many washed away, bridges gone, trails obliterated. One guy, in North Carolina, lives up on a mountain. He has no roads or trails to get anyplace for supplies, and his brother is a invalid, bed ridden and on Oxygen. He took a long rope, tied it around a tree, and climbs up and down on that to get to the closes place to get gas for the generator , water and whatever else he can get, which isn’t much. There is no electricity, and won’t be for awhile. Also, no water that is drinkable, so water is being hauled in, dropped in by helicopter, or by tank trucks. They can only go so far, then it is by mule, horse, or foot. This is everywhere that is flooded. We will go donate water on Friday, if we can find any to buy and donate. Supplies are very low as everything has been bought up and takes to where it is needed. Diapers, baby food and formula, water, sun screen, and whatever is needed as there is only clean-up going on. Very few have a livable house to go in. Very sad indeed.

Quote of the day: “As God’s standard of everything is high, let us endeavor to live for Him with the highest intention in mind.” Hannah More 1745 – 1833. British Writer, Social Reformer.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Enjoy the beauty of the fall. Make this day a productive, cheerful, safe, and fun day.
