A beautiful, cool November day. It is now fall here. It is 12:24 p,m, and 61 degrees. partly cloudy, and breezy. I am early today as I will have a busy afternoon and also am having problems with the computer. This will be short and sweet.
Weekend was great. We got lost, went to a craft sale where most of the stuff there was from other countries and very little “crafts” made by hand here. Rather sad. The getting lost was fun, such beautiful country and farm houses and barns, cows and horses. Really nice and fun. We didn’t buy much at all. Then it was to the Amish market where we had originally started for. They didn’t have what we wanted as it was sold out. We will try again next week I hope. I love their spiced peaches.
Sunday we were both tired and my back was hurting so we did church on line. That was nice an very comfortable as I sat in the desk chair. We spent the day watching TV and doing lazy things like that.
Yesterday was bible study. We are doing Daniel right now and it is interesting. It is amazing how one book leads to something in another book, etc. I am enjoying this study very much.
Quote of the day: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.” Helen Keller, 1880 – 1968. American Writer. Crusader for the Handicapped.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. I hope to do better tomorrow,if the computer will allow it. Make the rest of your day a adventure, entertaining, productive, cheerful and fun.