Another beautiful day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. There is a slight breeze and some clouds floating in, playing hide and seek with the sun. The temperature is 74 degrees. So pretty and nice. The grass is slowly turning green again. Tomorrow we are to get rain in the morning, but not a great deal. One must take the clouds with the sun.

Tonight is crafts so an easy and quick supper before we go. I think there will be about four or five there tonight. Two of the gals have Bunko at the American Leagon so won’t be there. I guess they have a great time and it seems to be very popular, but I am content to stay home and get to bed at my normal time. WE get us so early Monday through Friday that getting upstairs at 8 or 8:30 gives me time to do my bible study at my leisure and maybe even read my book. It is my quiet time. Sierra doesn’t believe that. She thinks she should help me read, be it the daily devotion, the bible, or the Chuck Norris book.

Today has been busy. I finished three stories so am caught up. One won’t count as it got sent is a s forward and that can’t be added to the book. I may see about redoing it and getting it in there. I think it happened when I had to get the keyboard out of the way because Sierra was up her nudging me for treats and I was on the phone. I guess I don’t multi task well anymore.

Dinner is steak salad. A quick and good dinner. I have the steaks grilled and the salad is ready. I just have to combine the two on two plates. then we can eat and go to crafts. Then home and maybe a recorded show.

We are supposed to get Tevia and Chael this weekend, so am praying all goes well and they will be able to come. We shall see.

Wah’s House Hold Hints:” Glass Cork” Remove a glass cork from a bottle top by dipping a cloth into very hot water and wrapping it around the neck of the bottle. The heat will expand the glass, making the cork easier to remove.”

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, kind, energetic, and fun time.
