Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Sunny, Few high wispy clouds 87 degrees 3:28 p.m.

All is well on the home front. Tina has gone to work Cats are napping, and the bathroom crew are still at it up there making lots of noise. I am getting more excited by the day the more they work. But I have to say, the tools they use are a bit noisy. I can stand it, just can’t talk on the phone and hear the other person very well. They have put up cement boards today and worked on the floor. They have the shower pan down so it is getting there. Yesterday afternoon they leveled the floor. That is probably the only level floor in the house.

Today I cleaned the bathroom and living room. It needed vacuuming badly as usual. That bathroom the cats seem to think is a play room so it gets de-furred daily. And the carpet in the living room is always in need of vacuuming and never looks like it has been touched. One day we will get that room done.

I am now thinking about doing arts and crafts with an eye towards Christmas. Dottie and I have thoughts of making as many things as we can, then renting a booth or having a yard ale or something like that and seeing what we can do. We figure it will be fun and something new and different for us. Here there are so many antique shops and boutiques that it is hard to figure out what way to go. I have found out that people here take beautiful old furniture in and they paint it battleship gray. Go figure.

Another thriving business here is yard work. There are several different people who come into this “village” with yard work equipment, mostly mowers and weed eaters and blowers. Of course, everyone has lots of grass and weeds, etc. Soon fall will arrive and the leaves will turn , then fall down so will have to be raked up. the city comes around every so often and picks up the gathered leaves. One rakes them to the curb and the city comes and gathers them. So nice, I think.

Have a terrific Tuesday. Keep it light, happy, positive, kind, cheerful, grateful and relaxing
