Wednesday, September 15, 2021 mostly cloudy rain coming 81 degrees, breezy 4:00p.m.
A beautiful day, warm, nice, a bit breezy, sunny, then a cloud comes by, then sun again, on and off all day.
Today is Dotty’s birthday so I believe we are going to her house and wish her a happy Birthday, and, of course, take dinner. Tammy said she is baking the cake. I think it is her Birds Nest Cake. It should be fun. Tina is off tomorrow so she can sleep in if we get home late.
The tile is being laid in the bathroom today. They are working hard and I know it will be spectacular. I took pictures of the before so will take pictures of the after. We knew there would be a few surprises and there were, but not nearly as bad a I thought there would be. There was no mold and that was my biggest fear. Also no asbestos which was a minor fear. The place was built in 1981 so was fairly sure there wouldn’t be asbestos.
This morning the birds were out in force as was the chipmunk. They haven’t been around for a while. We have had the crows and sparrows, so I guess the cardinals and bluejays, etc, don’t hobnob with the crows. It was so nice seeing them and enjoying their antics. the chipmunk gets right in the middle and holds his own so the big birds just walk around him. I believe I need an outdoor camera to film all the wildlife that I don’t see. I know the deer come around here but have only once seen one in the neighbor’s yard. Our yards run together because there are no fences.
Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it a super fun, adventurous, energizing, productive and joyous day.