Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Sunny, Calm, Beautiful Fall Day, 81 degrees 4:38 p.m.

Can you imagine how excited the people on the ground were watching that big balloon (air ship) take off and land in both New York and England? That would of been the excitement of the year I am sure.

Well, the finishing touches are being put on the bathroom today. I am so eager to see it completed and be able to call it usable and mine. It looks so nice and clean and pristine right now, but there is still a few minor details that they are finishing up. I am sure that by tonight it will be done, but if not, tomorrow for sure.

Tina signed us both up for Life Line Health screening services so we spent the morning doing that. Of course, it was fasting, so by the time we got out of that we were starving. It was brunch at I-Hop, and a BLT as it was one p.m. We are both doing well, but need to see our primary care doctor to check the arteries. I have an appointment tomorrow so not a problem there.

There were several people there, mostly retired and very interesting to visit with. The discussion was the mask mandate that Governor Lee put into place again last Friday. It is mostly for school personnel and students and visitors to the schools. Also store clerks and health personnel. I think it is a good thing and most of the people there thought it was. The biggest issue is that some people do not like being told what to do, even if it is the right thing to do and even if it will benefit their families and themselves. The lady on TV, holding up the sign that says my child needs to breath. My question is on a ventilator or on their own? The hospital here is full of COVID patients and so many of them are children and young adults. To me, that is sad.

Tina had to work this afternoon so had time to come home and change clothes and go to work. She works tomorrow morning so will come home, change shoes, grab a bit of lunch and off we will go to the doctor’s appointment. I hope we can go to Belk’s Department store ( Home good department) afterwards and look for towels. I want some new one for the new bathroom. And a shower curtain. And???????

Your question for the day: Is the IRS a part of the United States Government or is it its’ own private inanity?

Have a terrific, thrifty, stupendous, awesome Taco Tuesday
