Wednesday, October 27, 2021 Sunny Windy cool 63 degrees 5:02 p.m.
The above picture is of the ark, the inside layers, I think. There are many buildings and areas attached to the Ark property so this could be one of the other areas . What a great experience and it is massive as well as interesting.
did you know that God told Noah to build the Ark using these measurements: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall.? That is pretty big, I believe the size of three football fields. There sure was a lot in the ark so they needed all that room. They had animals, people, gardens, two of each kind of everything. I guess a pair of everything. So interesting.
It has been a beautiful day here, sunny and windy and fall like. It is cold in the house but nice outside in the sun. The weatherman says the starting tomorrow we will have rain for the next three days. We have our sand bags so hope we don’t have to use them but are ready if we do. I am hoping for a gentle rain and not a gully washer.
The trees are starting to turn and leaves are starting to fall, so soon we will be having to rake up all the across the street neighbors leaves. The leaves are so pretty and it makes the yards turn gold, red,, yellow, and orange. Really pretty. Fall flowers are in full bloom and the summer ones are slowly fading away, dying off. The grass still needs mowing at least every other week. I believe this goes until the first freeze. So far our low has been 38 degrees.
Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it a profitable, prosperous, perfect, fun and gracious day.