Monday, January 24, 2022 Sunny Nice Slight Breeze 53 degrees 4:53 p.m.
I love that the days are getting longer, that the sun is shining and the birds are out and about, singing and enjoying the beautiful weather. I understand that winter will return later in the week but for now, it is grand. We enjoy the sun when it shines in the windows and we don’t have to turn the lights on during the day. The cats love laying in the sunshine.
The weekend was fun. Friday we were at Jerry’s house visiting and seeing how Tammy was doing after her shoulder surgery. She is doing well and able to work from home for a few hours a day. The damage wasn’t as extensive as they first thought so that has helped a whole lot. The dogs can’t figure out why she isn’t playing with them as she usually does so try and just lay in her lap or on her feet or snuggle nest to her. They are so fun. We, of course, played with them,. fetch and tug of war are the favorite games.
Saturday we went over to Dottie’s and helped he pack some stuff and go through things she wasn’t sure of. The stuff she didn’t want or need we took to Karns for her, and three boxes got packed. there is at least two months before she moves so not a big hurry. It is nice to do a little bit at a time and not have to rush. She fixed beef stew and it was really goo. then she had blueberry cobbler for desert and it was yummy. I love blueberries.
Sunday Jerry and Tammy came over. Jerry was able to turn the heat vents so that we got some heat downstairs and the upstairs was comfortable but not so very hot. That is a major accomplishment. He did a couple other things around here that needed attention. We do so appreciate him and all of his talents. Tammy went out and looked at the weird grass that is growing out front and told us it is Monkey grass. Never heard of it before but now know what it is. She said that unless all the neighborhood got professionals out here that we would just have to “like it” as it is hard to get rid of, It is a darker green and a wider blade then regular grass. Not so bad, I guess.
Today was do floors and then go with Tina to the eye doctor. She gets new glasses. We also went looking for things that will clasp onto wire shelves and allow labels to be placed in them. She wants the kind where the labels can be changed without taking the whole thing apart or ripping them off the shelf. I am not sure what she got will work but I hope it does. The only stationary store here in Oak Ridge is Staples. What she found was at Walmart. Go figure!
Now it is nearly time for the evening meal, the news and maybe a couple good programs. Sierra and Milo think that is must be way past dinner time. When the weather is cool or cold they have an appetite that won’t quit. When it is warm or hot weather they could care less. Of course I think Milo could and would eat every twenty minutes all day and night. He is a chow hound.
Have a great rest of you day. Make it a very special, productive, positive, pleasurable and fun day.