Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Sunny, Windy Blue Skies 64 degrees 5:08 p.m.
A beautiful day for March 1st. True, it came in with the wind blowing, but the sun is shining and nary a cloud in the sky. People are out walking their dogs and the birds have been flying around, singing and enjoying the beautiful weather. The nice weatherman is saying that today is the meteorological first day of spring. But it is still winter. Are high by Sunday will be 75 degrees. Possibly rain on Monday.
Today, I believe is Fat Tuesday. It is also called Pancake day. It is the last day before Ash Wednesday. The Marti Grass is a French holiday and celebrated here in the United States, mostly in New Orleans with a big parade It is defiantly party time there. They bake a cake with a plastic baby inside it.
We had an early dinner before Tina went to work, Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes gravy corn (her favorite) and for desert, a cookie. Next, for me, is a lite meal, probably a sandwich and some fruit. Her hours are so mixed up we can’t have a normal dinner time, so we try to eat between noon and 3 p.m. with just a lite snack in the evening. Today we ate at 11:00 so my snack might be a bit more then normal. What ever normal is.
There really isn’t much news around here so I had better go feed the starving cats. One would think that they hadn’t eaten for days, but they have dry food in their feeder at all times as well as water. they get treats once or twice during the day and breakfast and dinner so know they are not starving. I guess eating is a habit with them.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a bright, shining, energetic, playful and fun day.