Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Cloudy, Thunder Storms Rainy 64 degrees 4:24 p.m.

Yesterday was cool, cloudy and a few showers. The day being Monday it was laundry day. Dinner, which Tina put in the crock pot was beef stew which was good but missing the Irish potatoes. There was sweet potatoes and some winter veggies in it.. Dottie came over and joined us for dinner, and took some quiche home with her as well as some stew. Tina made quiche also. That was this morning’s breakfast. it was good also.

Today she went to work and I cleaned up the house and finished a couple projects. Both cats have decided that today was the bug Sandy day and have pestered me all day long. They have “helped” me make the bed. Sat in the window and watched me do dishes, sat on the cell phone when it rang, laid on the keyboard when I needed the computer, and in general was everywhere I have been, wanting attention and treats.

Tina made a vet appointment for Sierra as she has not been able to keep her back groomed and won’t let either of us get the knots off her back. She isn’t eating much and seems to not like the cat food. So, of course, Milo follows suite as far as the eating goes. He also is right in the middle of everything. They are cute and I do so enjoy them except when I am trying to work on the computer or am on the phone. then I would like to turn them loose outdoors and let them play. they now don’t seem to interested in going outdoors. They might miss something.

We are supposed to have more thunder storms tonight so it will be another restless night if the thunder is as loud as it was last night and the lightening as bright as it was last night. I should say very early this morning! 1:35 A.M. was the first round.

Quote for the Day: Some think it’s holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go. Sylvia Robinson

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a terrific, fun day,
