Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Sunny Windy light clouds floating 81 degrees 6:22 p.m.
The Bluejays are enjoying dinner at the main bird feeder. They seem to be last years babies as they are young and playful, it seems. I believe all the summer birds are returning as we sure have had a variety today. So fun to watch.
Tomorrow Sierra goes to the vet to see what her problem is about not keeping her back clean. She is getting grouchy and also demanding so am curious to see what the vet has to say. I hope it is nothing serious and a simple hair cut and trim will do the trick. Also back claws trimmed.
Milo is fine and very busy watching all the activity going on outdoors. The birds and bugs and leaves, etc, There is a lot of movement. He hissed and had his fur up when the lady’s dog that lives in the next set of town homes came up to the door. The dog barked at Milo and Milo was in attack mood. There was a glass door between them so all were safe. It was funny, though. That same Town House got a new heat pump and they have been working at installing it for 5 days. They had to split it so ran new tubing and made new most everything. I guess it was quite a project. The ole one didn’t want to come out so that was a problem. Those town houses are three story so harder to get at everything.
The town house on the right of ours is for sale. It is 2 bedroom one and 1/s bath, 1500 sq ft. with some updating. They put in new carpet and new flooring and did a bit of painting. They want $188,300.00. Last year they wanted $179,500 for the same place and didn’t get it so I wonder if they will get it this year? The bedrooms and bath are upstairs. There is a garage and also a small fenced outdoor space. Anyone interested can put in 103 Golfcrest Lane, Oak Ridge, TN and see it on Zillo.
Quote of the day: Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow. Slovakian Proverb
Have a great hump day. Make it bright and energetic, colorful and fun.