Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Partly Cloudy Windy chance of late thunder storm 83 degrees 5:27 p.m.
A good day, a bit on the windy side, but all in all very nice. I had a doctor’s appointment with the cardiologist first thing this morning. After wearing the monitor for a month he found nothing to get excited about. He said I have high blood pressure so has given me a new, very low dose half a pill a day med. He wants me to monitor my blood pressure for the next three months and see how that pill does in lowering it. I can do that. I Hope. I get busy and forget it take it.
Spent the afternoon going through some pictures I have so many and now is the time to go through them and see what I have that can go to someone or something. I went through a stack from the 2006 Museum Guild’s Searchlight Birthday party. That was fun. I tried to write down who was in each picture and ended up having to go through old church records, and obits for some of the names. It is sad when you forget the names of people you knew or know and know the face but can’t remember their names.
It is a quiet neighborhood today. Tina is at work, some have been out walking their dogs, the birds aren’t out to much as it is really windy and the bird feeders are swaying a bit to much for them. Even the squirrel hasn’t been out checking the food source.
Today is Bam Bam Barberena’s birthday. We wish him a very Happy Birthday and many more.
Today’s Quote: Be life long or short,its completeness depends on what it was lived for. David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) Educator and writer.
Time to feed the kitties. Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it productive, educational, relaxing and fun