FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024

Friday, May 10th, 2024 Mostly Cloudy Windy Cool Dry 67 Degrees 5:16 p.m.

We had a sunny morning, then the clouds slowly moved in and hid the sun. Now the wind is blowing and it is cool. We might get a stray shower or tow, but it won’t be like the last rain. Everything and everywhere the color is green. There are mushrooms growing here and there, but not the eatable kind I am told. These are big and a tanish color. The grass is so high and the dandy lions are popping up all over the lawns. It is hard to believe that a week ago the trees were just starting to get their leaves.

Tina said that tomorrow we are going to “try on cars”. We are thinking the Hyundai, the Kai, or ? Jerry wants us to make an appointment to try the Tetras, but I don’t know. I think we should just do it and see what all it is about. There are some good points and some not so good points. I think we should go and see which is good and which is bad and see which one out does the other. More on this subject next week.

Sunday we are going to Tammy and Jerry’s for Mother’s Day dinner. It should be fun and nice and good food. The day is supposed to be sunny, warm and nice. That will be great. Las Mother’s day is was cold and windy and I think rainy. We went on a picnic to the park and nearly froze to death. I think that was last year. Maybe the year before. Time flies when you are having fun.

Time to think about dinner.

Quote of the day: “For whatever life holds for you and your family in the coming days, weave the unfailing fabric of God’s Word through your heart and mind. It will hold strong, even if the rest of life unravels.” Gigi Graham Tchividjian, 1945…, American Writer, Speaker. D Billy Graham

Have a great rest of your Friday and a fantastic, safe, healthy, enjoyable, kind, and fun weekend. Give Thanks to your Mothers, wherever they are.


Dinner time is here


Thursday, May 9, 2024 Cloudy Still Wet Green Nice 66 Degrees 10:58 a.m.

The storms have passed and we are all fine. The day was rainy, then cleared for a bit, then back to thunder and lightening and rain. No one had a good nights sleep due to the tornado warnings, the loud thunder and bright lightening. And the Wind. Now, all seems to have calmed down in our area including the flood alert. We might have another shower or two but it won’t be as vivacious as last night and yesterday.

We lost power for a bit last night, but I doubt that it was out very long. I guess there are some places in Tennessee that still don’t have power and that the storms were very strong creating tons of damage. Columbus Tennessee had a tornado that killed two people and destroyed several buildings and homes. Another town has the roof blown off their elementary school gym and lunchroom, oak Ridge did have some trees blown over but that is all I have heard about damage in this area.

This morning, we are very thankful for both lives and property not being severely damaged. Tina said driving to work this morning was very slow. She figured that everyone was to tired to go the speed limit. Of course water and puddles on the road might have had something to do with it. There are still a lot of places that are a bit flooded, water covering the roads and creeks, streams and rivers filled to overflowing. It will take time for all the water to dissipate,

The rain was welcomed by the trees, grass, flowers and shrubs. And the weeds. All the trees are now in full summer dress and beautiful. The one in Julie’s yard is in bloom and so pretty. It wasn’t even starting to bloom on Monday. Our grass that was cut a week ago needs mowing again and the weeds are pocking their heads up, so time to get them pulled and or sprayed. However, it is very pretty outside after all that rain. Everything is washed and clean and shiny.

Quote of the day: “May your life become one of glad and unending praise to the Lord as you journey through this world, and the world that is to come!” Teresa of Avila, 1515 -1582, Spanish Christian Writer. You’ve always been great towards me-what love!…You, O God, are both tender and kind, not easily angered, immense in love, and You never, never quit. Psalm 86:19, 15. The Message.

Have a wonderful day. Make it a productive, pleasant, adventurous and fun day.



Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Cloudy Major Storms on the way 71 Degrees 8:43 a.m.

I want to get my blog our this morning as the prediction is for major thunder, lightening, heavy rain, grapefruit size hail, flooding, and possible power outages. Tornadoes are possible also. So in view of the inclement weather for the next 24 hours or so, I thought I would get ahead of it.

Right now it is cloudy, still, muggy, and quiet. There are some birds out, feeding at the bird feeders and checking the grass for bugs and maybe a juicy worm. Mostly it feels like all outdoors is holding its’ breath, just waiting for the storms to arrive.

While I am prepared as much as possible, Tina went to work wearing sandals. She has a rain jacket in the car as well as umbrellas, but I am sure she didn’t take any in the office with her. She doesn’t believe the rain will come until this evening. We shall see. Meanwhile I have the transistor radio ready, the flashlights ready, and towels ready to block water should it flood at the front door. I am serving sandwiches and strawberry short cake for dinner if we don’t have electricity. Everything has been charged or had new batteries put in. The only thing I can charge up is the Robo Cat Box! Sierra might have an issue with that if the power goes out for any length of time.

Quote of the day: “The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” Theresa of Lisefux, 1873 – 1897, French Carmelite Nun.

Now to get back to my daily chores.. Have a great, Wednesday. Make it a safe, productive, kind, cheerful and fun day.


TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Partly Cloudy Windy Muggy Rain Tonight 80 Degrees 5:06 p.m.

I am sorry I missed yesterday’s blog. I was busy with phone calls, and getting a box ready to mail. That turned out to be quite a project. First I had to hunt a box. Now Sierra had to give up her new favorite place to take a nap, but it fit my needs perfectly. I finally got ti all together and everything wrapped and had it ready to mail by 2:30 when Tina got home. I had a podiatrist appointment yesterday afternoon, so Tina came home and took me. After that we went to the post office and mailed my package. i now know why I buy from Amazon and let them do the mailing. After that we dropped a bag of donations at Karns, then to Hobby Lobby and finally home.

Dinner was street tacos that Tina prepared. They sure were good. I prepared the taco meat earlier and had it ready for her to fix the tacos. That took her all of about ten minutes as she had to cut up the tomatoes and onion and tear the lettuce. O.K, maybe 15 minutes. They were very well worth her efforts in preparing them.

Today ha been vacuuming, laundry, and the usual pick up and put away. I still have one room left to vacuum and the mopping to do. I was on the phone with Joe-ee and with Jimmy and that took time. Joe-ee wasn’t so long winded but Jimmy talked for an hour. I have to call him back, so will after a bit.

The weatherman said to expect wild weather tonight….rain, wind, hail and possible tornadoes. Be prepared. There will be possible damage from downed trees, power outages, downed power lines, etc. Tina is only concerned about Bill’s Cedar tree! There is that plus all the other big, tall, old trees across the street and all around us. So, she will go to bed and I will probably stay down stairs, in the TV room and be as alert as possible. I will watch the TV for any warning if there is a tornado close. We haven’t had one here in years but this is the year where the weather has not stuck to its’ normal pattern anywhere. So I will pay attention.

With that, I had better think about dinner. Sierra is.

Quote of the day: “Let every woman become so cultivated and refined in intellect, that her taste and judgement will be respected….so unassuming and unambitious, that collision and competition will be banished…then, the fathers, the husbands, and the sons, will find an influence thrown around them, to which they will yield not only willingly but proudly.” Catherine Beecher, 1800-1878, American Educator.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a adventurous, productive, kind and fun day.
