Another beautiful spring like day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It is sunny, 72 degrees. still, and clear blue skies. The time is 3: 26 p.m.. The weather lady said that the clouds will roll in this evening and we will have showers tomorrow through Friday. She said nothing major and they will be spotty, here and there, but not to be surprised if we get a thunder storm or two. But it will still be warm.

Today I have had a lot more energy so have accomplished a bit more. The house is cleaned and vacuumed, dishes done, have done the pick up and put away, called son Jimmy and wished him a Happy 63rd birthday. He was doing fine, going to Best Buy to get something that will automatically unlock, and lock, his car doors. I didn’t ask what kind of car or much of anything else as I figured I wouldn’t understand it anyway. then he was planning on starting to prepare something in the smoker for one of the grand kids birthday tomorrow. Other then that the conversation was all politics. He said that there was a lot of people moving out of Yuma.

I talked to Dottie and she commented on the bathroom at Jerry and Tammy’s new house that I cleaned, and what a pretty room it is. I had to agree. She was there again Sunday and her and Tammy got shelf liners on all the shelves and in the drawers and got a lot of the dishes put away. Also got the pantry shelves lined and stuff put in there. That is quite a bit done. She hung the new shower curtain and liner in the bathroom I cleaned and said that it really added to the room. The room is white with a deep blue tile in a row all around the middle of the white tiled walls, including the bathtub\shower. The sink and vanity is separated by a pocket door, and besides the vanity it has a linen closet. The fixtures are silver as is the light above the sink. Very nice. The counter is the same blue colored marble as is in where the tub is. That place is going to be gorgeous when they get all moved in and settled.

Tonight we are having Spanish Rice for dinner,,,,Sandy’s style. And a salad. There will be German Chocolate cake for desert. Our neighbor baked the cake. It will taste good on the lips and look marvelous on the hips!

Wah’s House Hold Hints: “When pressing an evening gown, place a piece of wax paper over the net to make stiffer.”

Have a terrific rest of your Tuesday. Make it a trouble free, Taco, tasty, cheerful, and fun day.


Monday, February 2, 2025


That poor groundhog was woke up early just to see if he would or would not see his shadow. Of course, he saw it. Now we will have six more weeks of winter. He probably saw his shadow so he could go back to sleep for another six weeks and get in his required six weeks of rest. He hibernates, I believe. That being said, today, here in Oak Ridge, it is sunny, slightly breezy, and 70 degrees at 5:29 p.m. A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

After such a busy weekend I haven’t done much today. this morning I went to bible study. It is the first one of the month as the bad weather has prevented most of the ladies from being able to get to the church. So many have curvy, hilly and mountain roads to drive, and they are the last to be cleared or treated after a snow storm or icy conditions.

We are still on chapter 7 in Daniels and Chapter 13 in Revelations. Both books are very much they are connected. It is proving to be an interesting and educational study. I am finding a lot of history, a lot of comparisons from then to now, and geography changes from then to now. Who knew? One lady was shocked to learn that Jewish are a race of people, not just what people from Isaiah are called. We, who live in America are called Americans, but we, and our ancestors, are of many nationalities, but we are still called Americans, American Indian verses Indians from India; Asian Indians, etc. We are all God’s creation and therefore are all human beings.

The mention of the different kings and nations and how they fought for whatever they thought was important at the time showed how the names and boundary lines of different nations or countries came in to play and how some of them received the name they have today.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Egg stains can be removed from silver by vigorously with common table salt.”

Have a great rest of your first Monday of February. Make it a energetic, productive, positive, and fun day.



It has been a chilly, cloudy, rain showery day. The temperature is 46 degrees and the time is 5:10 p.m. We are due to have rain tonight and most of tomorrow. Yes, winter is still with us.

Mu heart goes out to the families, friends and loved ones of all those who were killed in the terrible air crash this morning. All are in my prayers.

Today has been a busy day. I had a foot doctor appointment at 9:00 this morning…toenails clipped. then Tina and I went to Hardy’s for breakfast. We had coupons so thought to use them. Breakfast for two for $11.00. Not bad in my book.

Next, we went to the dermatologist as we both had appointments. I had a bunch of moles froze off, Tina had one or two on her face froze. they are so nice in there. I also had a blackhead removed on my back by my waist that I couldn’t reach and Tina couldn’t get. It was like a small rock. She said that it was very normal and if a skin cell is a bit enlarged blackheads will occur. It is the oils in your skin that causes it.

After leaving there we decided to check in at Big Lots to see how their closing sale was going. We got a couple of things but as far as sales go, their prices are still pretty high.

Next we went to Ross’s and bought a couple of things. I got a blouse for $3.00. It is a supper blouse and will be good for around here. They still have quite a few things on sale. Tina got a couple of blouses and a few other things, a brush and a curling iron brush.

Next we went to Home Goods. there we found the slender cart to go between the washer and dryer. Also three plastic dividers to go in our snack drawer to keep things in there in order. That was about it for the shopping.

Next it was the back doctor for Tina. I learned that I needed lessons for starting her car as there wasn’t anyplace to park and she was due in, so I said I would drive around until I found a parking place. WE changed places and she went in. I forgot that when two doors are opened, the motor stops. She had left the key but I didn’t know how to use it. Of course, it looks like a card on a leather strap. I finally called her and she had to come back out and start the car. So weird! I will take lessons. I like driving it, but the starting part is still a mystery. I was able to lock it and go in and wait for her in the waiting room.

She has her L5 is deteriorating, or resting on another nerve or bone. Something like that. So she has to go for PT for 5 weeks, then be scheduled for shots or what ever. Time will tell. I am hoping that surgery isn’t in her future but we shall see. She might learn to use all the handy gadgets we have to use to save the back, knees, etc,.

Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Cur Flowers. When they begin to welt, cut the ending of the stems, & immerse them in real hot water. This revives them.”

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a positive, thoughtful, productive, cheerful, and fun day.



Another beautiful winter day. It is 3:23 p.m. and the temperature is 59 degrees, That is so nice. the sun is shining and birds are out singing and looking for worms and seeds. The Robin Red Brest has been in the yard all day, hunting worms I believe. I think he is the one who says that spring is right around the corner. I know, we have to wait and see if the ground hog sees his shadow before we can get the winder clothes put away and the spring ones out.

Today I have sat and filled out all the surveys, canvases, and ballots that have come in the mail this week. I get a box full each week and quite often just shred them as they are the same ones from the same people, asking the same questions. Today it is: Senior citizens Alliance, The Seniors Center, Republican National Committee, and Hillsdale Collage. I answered all their questions, sealed them and they are ready to go in the mail. I send no money. I receive the same letters asking for me to give my opinion, fill in the appropriate box, etc. and to donate as much as as I can. So all will go out in the mail and the next batch will go in the shredder when they arrive.

Tonight is Crafts so will have dinner on the table when Tina gets here. I am not sure if we are making blankets tonight or just what we are doing. I have decided I need to learn to knit or crochet as most of the other ladies do one or the other. Two of us color or just sit and visit with everyone. If making blankets we are all busy. I can’t take scrap booking as it takes up to much room plus a lot to lug over there for an hour.

Wah’s Household Hints: “When giving a child a pill that has a bad taste or is especially large coat it with butter. The pill won’t leave a bad taste and be much easier to swallow.” I think that would work for adults as well.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a cheerful, productive, kind, generous, and fun day.
