A beautiful, sunny, dry day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The weatherperson said this morning, that we should go outdoors and take a walk, play games, sit in the sun, do yard work, etc. as the sun is healthy for us and it will not be so prevalent the rest of the week. It is good for the vitamin D. That is true. It is one of the vital things we humans need. I believe animals do also. It was a cool weekend so today has felt pretty good with a high of 68. It is 4: 22 p.m.

The weekend went fast. Saturdya was busy and fun. Tina and I did quite a few things around the house, then got dressed to go to Loco Burro for her birthday dinner. It was fun. We picked Dottie up and headed towards the mall. She dropped us off at the door of the place and went and parked the car. I went in and placed our names on the waiting list…..20 minutes. I said that was great as Jerry and Tammy hadn’t left their house as yet. Tina found a great parking place very close to the entrance so that was a plus. Dottie and I went across the hall thing and wondered through William Sonoma’s store. (I am sure that is spelled wrong but spell check has a worse version.) By the time we came out of there the table was ready for us. I do believe everyone enjoyed their meals and the company was fantastic. we laughed and visited and watched all the sweet babies that were there. Most everyone was dressed in Orange and White, even the babies. So cute. Check Facebook for Tina’s birthday picture in her sombrero. Of course they , as in the whole restaurant loudly said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA!” Did I mention she looks great with a red face? It was all fun, fun fun!

Sadly, the Vols lost their game against Georgia. Their last game is this coming Saturday and we are sure hoping that they win that one. All in all, it has been a good football year for them. Also baseball. Once the football is over with it will be basket ball, which is already going strong. Personally, I like hockey.

Sunday was busy but lazy. We had to go to Walmart so discussed going before church or after. We went before. then church, then Panera’s for lunch, chicken noodle soup and 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich. the soup was great as was the sandwich. Then home and relax, doing a few minor things and catching up on the recorded TV programs.

Today has been busy. I chauffeured Bill to the eye doctor,brought him home, went to bible study, came home, ate lunch, then the chairlift man was here to give the chair its annual overhaul and repairs. He took it all apart and put it back together again, replacing the two old batteries with new ones. They were all but dead. The chair works wonderfully now. So thankful. It didn’t work for a couple of days.

Quote of the day: “If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.”. Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1906 – 2001. American Writer; M. Charles Lindbergh.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a wonderful, productive, spontaneous, cheerful, and fun day.



Friday, and the weekend is here. We are having a totally overcast day with occasional sprinkles. Also a bit on the chilly side. Right now it is 55 degrees and the time is 4:45 p.m. Looking out the window it looks like it could snow or really pour rain, but it is just a gray day.

Tina went to the dentist first thing this morning. I stayed home and started the laundry. When she got home we had oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, then went and finished the errands we didn’t get done yesterday. A trip to X-Finity, then Hobby Lobby, and finally Walmart. At Hobby Lobby a gentleman asked Tina about the Tesla, how she liked it, etc. She spent 20 minutes in the parking lot telling him all about the car and all of its safety features. He wants to buy his 92 year old dad a car but wanted one with the most safety features… Tesla should hire Tina as a spokesperson.

When we got home we put groceries away, had a sandwich and proceeded with the laundry. We are finally done with that project. It is always so very nice to have that chore accomplished. Since it is close to dinner time, we will have Taco Stew, pulled from the freezer. I love having a back up plan for dinner on busy days.

Tomorrow is Tina’s birthday so maybe lunch at the Mexican restaurant in the West-town mall,…the one with the donkey on the door or window. We shall see how it goes tomorrow. We are hoping that Jerry and Tammy are well and can join us. And that Robbie Keith will join also. I know that Dottie is going with us.

Did I mention that Tammy and Jerry’s sweet little puppy dogs met a black and white furry fellow? It was so welcoming and sprayed the three of them, just to say “Hello”! I don’t believe that Jerry and Tammy were to happy with the pups. I do know that they got a good scrubbing while in the bath. I believe that each dog should receive a case of tomato juice for Christmas.

Quote of the day: For women there are, undoubtedly, great difficulties in the path, but so much the more to overcome. First, no woman should say, “I am but a woman!” But a Woman! What more can you ask to be?” Maria Mitchell, 1818- -1889, American Astronomer, Educator.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a spectacular weekend. Make it a challenging, educational, adventurous, relaxing and fun time.



A rainy day in Tennessee. The rain was and is much needed, so it was nice to finally get it. Tomorrow is to be cooler but sunny and bright. Right now, at 6:20 p.m., it is 57 Degrees and cloudy. Will be much colder in the morning they say.

Today I went with Tina to her doctor’s appointment which took about three hours. She has to go in for a blood test, then wait until the doctor gets the results of that before she sees her. That took over an hour. It was a bit of a long appointment, but results were good. After that we went to Red Lobster and had La’Din, then to Cosco. By the time we finished there it was 4:30 and time to head home as that is traffic time. A twenty minute drive takes 45 minutes at the traffic time. We will finish the rest of the errands tomorrow, after she gets home from the dentist. I am not going to the dentist with her.

In the morning while she is at the dentist I have to get her gifts wrapped, cards made, and laundry started. Saturday is her birthday and I need to be ready for a change. So far the only thing that I know of that she would like to do is have a late lunch or early dinner at a Mexican restaurant in the West-town Mall. She doesn’t know the name of the place but it has a picture or painting of a donkey on the door. It might be a Burro. I am in hopes that Jerry and Tammy are well enough to go. I know that Dottie is planning on going. So, more on that after I learn more.

Since it it late this will be short. So, Quote of the day: “We can do no great things only small things with great love.” Mother Theresa of Calcutta. 1910 – 1997. Roman Catholic nun, Nobel Prize Winner.

Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it a graceful, cheerful, pleasant, and fun day.



A partly sunny day with rain expected tonight into tomorrow morning. We do need the rain so that would be wonderful. the plants would appreciate a good watering by Mother Nature. The weather is cooling down, more like fall then spring now. Right now it is 67 degrees at 4:45 p.m. Our high was 68, I believe.

Tonight is Crafts and I have everything ready to go. We are having chicken Cesar salad for dinner, so that is easy and not a mess to clean up. I have the chicken ready and what more does one want? Tina had pizza for lunch, said it was o.k. but nothing to ride home about. They have a food truck on Thursdays and sometimes it is good and sometimes not so good. I guess today was the not so good day. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and it was wonderful. There are no food trucks at my house,

I had the steroid shots in my shoulders yesterday and today has been great. Last night I slept like a log. As a rule my shoulders hurt the worst at night when I was trying to sleep. So thankful for the shots.

Quoit of the day: ‘What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.” Margaret Thatcher, 1925 -,2013 Former Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Have a great rest of your Hump Day. Make it pleasant, profitable, positive, cneerful and fun.
