A beautiful Sunny Tuesday afternoon. there is a slight breeze, the temperature is 71 degrees, and it is simply lovely. I do so appreciate the sunshine, gentle warmth, and light breeze. Sierra does also as she has sat in the window and soaked it in. I understand that tomorrow will be the same, but rain returns Thursday,
We have been busy around here. Friday we got ups, had our coffee, got dressed and headed for Jefferson Square for breakfast. After a good breakfast It was the Nail Pro for me and Hobby Lobby for Tina. I got a Manicure and she got a couple of things she needed. Then off to Knoxville and to Best Buy. There we looked around and I got a new phone, a Jitterbug. I think I will really like it once I get it all figured out. It has all the features I need, and all my photos, contacts, and needed apps transferred over nicely, even my Smart Watch. so, all is good. Now, I have to learn all the things that it does and doesn’t do, and mostly, the number. I will have my old phone the rest of the week, then it will go away. My new number is: 7-865-307-2339.
After Best Buy we headed for the Home Store, looking for a basket that would fit under the kitchen sink and keep everything neat and tidy. We got one but, of course, it didn’t fit under there. So it will fit in the back bathroom and can be used there.
I thought we were going home after that but she said that Jerry and Tammy had invited us for Hot dogs and chili, and we were to bring hot dog buns. So we stopped at Publix and I went i, finally found the hot dog buns, after touring the store. I found them right away but I love that store so had to see if there was anything else I couldn’t live without. I got back to the car and she wasn’t in the car. I guess Tammy called and asked her to bring a salad that would go with the hot dogs so she had gone in the store to get that, We just missed each other.
Being at Jerry’s was fun. the food was good, of course, and seeing all that they had accomplished in the new house was so fun and it is nice. When they get everything done that they want to do it will be the most awesome place on the block, or in town. The dogs are happy and enjoying all the room to romp and play. Today Sarge was taking limbs from a small tree that Jerry chopped down and moving it over to what was once, we thing, was a basket ball court. It is located in the dogs acre to run and play in. They are so enjoyable and loveable.
Yesterday was bible study and then I did grocery shopping. That wasn’t bad until I got home and had to bring it all in. I have the cart and loaded it twice. The chore was getting it in the house without Sierra getting out of the house. The back step isn’t wide, just the width of the door, and the ramp is just that wide also. So I had to be careful to not step off the step while getting the cart in the door and not let the cat out, turn the cart over or fall off the step. A feat for sure, but I made it.
Today has been laundry day and I have worked on my stories. These are interesting but I have to do some research on them. I am loving it.
Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Decal Remover:” Place the sticky side of masking tape on the decal, rub down. then after a few minutes pull the tape off and the decal will come with it.
Have a great rest of your Taco Tuesday. (we are having pizza). Make it a fun, interesting, adventurous, safe, and relaxing day.