A beautiful sunny day, temperature is 53 degrees, a slight breeze and not a cloud to be seen in the beautiful blue sky. So nice to see warmer weather, with sunshine, as it has been a long, cold month. I think, or rather, hope the fridged weather is over now. I love having the front door open and the sun shining in the glass storm door. It makes the room brighter and cheerier.

Charlene texted me and told me that Mr. Jefferson, her sweet puppy dog, has passed away. He was a good dog, a very loved and close companion with Charlene. I am thankful that he isn’t suffering, but know he will be missed greatly by her, and all who knew him. I know that Tina and I will miss him, hearing about his adventures and antics, seeing his pictures. He was my day time companion when we lived in the apartment in Vegas. Charlene had to work, so I would go get him and bring him home to spend most of the day with Sierra and I. They got along well, ignoring each other for the most part. Occasionally they would nap together on the couch.

Today I have been cleaning out files for the most part. That is a yearly job, and not my favorite one. I have shredder, pulled staples and just tossed quite a bit, and still have more to go. I will be very happy when this project is completed. I doubt I will save quite as much this year. But I am thankful that I saved all the Guidepost receipts as every two or three months they would send a letter telling me that they hadn’t received my payment for such and such a book/ I would find the cancelled check, and where I had written the check #, date, amount on the receipt portion, make copies of it all and mail it back to them. The last one I wrote cancel my account and please don’t send me anything else.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Keep a piece of sandpaper handy when pressing pleats. Slip the sandpaper under the pleat to be pressed.” That is all she wrote on that subject so will try it one day and see how it works.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a productive, profitable, caring, kind and fun day.



A rainy, chilly day until about 20 minutes ago when the sun came out. The temperature is now 48 degrees. Thirty minutes ago it was 45. It was 38 when we got up this morning. Winter is still upon us.

How was your weekend? Ours was good. Saturday we got up, had our coffee, showered and got dressed. We had to strip Tina’s bed down to the mattress as Sierra gave her a hairball, It got the sheet, mattress pad, and a bit on the floor. What a wake up call. So we got the mattress pad washed and in the dryer, then got the sheets in the washer, and left.

The first stop was at Tammy’s so we could see if we wanted one of the couches and possible trade them our recliners. Tina sat in it, reclined and said it was really comfortable. Then she went to get out and had a hard time as one has to use their legs to push the foot\leg back. She finally made it and said she didn’t think we could use that, so the answer on that is no. I didn’t try it as I had sat in it before and had a the same problem she did. Tammy said that she knew that it was extremely hard to put back in its original position. We visited a few and played with the dogs. They are so fun and so cute.

The next stop was where Tina bought her car as she needed some paper work. they told her it was on her phone.

The next stop was to get our hair cut, then on to Dottie’s to pick her up. By this time it is past lunch time so we had lunch at the Texas Road House as Tina had a gift card, That was good. Next was to Jerry’s Jerry’s new place so he could look at the papers on her phone. I was so surprised at how much had been done outside. The new fence is up surrounding the acre that the dogs will have to run and romp and play. It is so pretty. He and his father in law and Dillon were working on building a fence to go on the deck or back porch, and then a ramp from the corner of the deck to the dogs yard. They will be able to come on the deck but not in the yard where the swimming pool is. It is quite an interesting way for them to get from one place to their yard. I can’t wait to see that finished.

After that we took Dottie home and we headed home. I did get my nails done. Just a manicure. They look so much better now. We were tired so put off grocery shopping until Sunday.

Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping and home to laundry and TV. A more or less a relaxing day. In the evening we watched Extreme Makeover. It is so good. Then finding your Roots. Both are interesting and enjoyable.

Today I went to lunch with a bunch of the ladies from the Bible Class. there were only five of us today but hope we have more for Bible Study on Monday.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Ink marks on shirts and washables can often be removed by promptly spraying spot with hairspray. Let dry, then rub off. Repeat if necessary.”

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a cheerful, productive, active and fun day.



Good afternoon. Here we have a balmy 41 degrees, sunshine and blue skies. A beautiful January, winter afternoon. I am sorry I missed yesterday. My computer was down. The hard drive dies. Jeffy got over this morning and got it up and going again. Something to do with the cords or plugs or something like that. I am thankful that it is once again purring along. And, I am very thankful to have a son, close, who is so talented in keeping the computer and other electronics going smoothly. And other none electronic things fixed or started or put together, etc. He is so very much appreciated.

The weekend is here. It has been a long and very cold week. Now it is to warm up a bit, maybe rain some, be sunny and reach a high of 5o one day next week. That sounds so much better then 20. I am looking forward to some warmer days, and early mornings when my feet hit the floor. Upstairs isn’t to bad as there is carpet, but downstairs is a bit cold as under the hardwood is concrete, That is cold.

Dinner tonight is spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic toast. Maybe a salad. After the kitchen is cleaned up, we will sit down and work out a menu for next week. That sounds very good, but I know from experience that it won’t last.

something will come along and distract us from the menu, good intentions. Tina won’t be hungry, or we need something quick as there is someplace we need to go, etc. So, that being said, we are only going to make the menu for 3 days and there will probably be leftovers to cover the other four days. Anyhow, more on the outcome of this plan next week.

Not much news around here today. I managed to get three stories written and sent off. That is a big accomplishment. I have more to do plus I need to edit and attach pictures to some of them. I am thinking of just having a picture album with the story title under the picture. Just a thought. Or maybe just an picture album period. We shall see.

Wha’s Household Hints: “JEWELRY ; a jewelry designer recommends using a small brush and tooth paste to clean a ring or pin that has become dull looking. A short soak in liquid soap or dish detergent and water with a bit of ammonia will cut grease and and shine”.

Have a great rest of your Friday. Have an excellent weekend. Fill it with adventures, relaxation, family, friends, and fun.



A beautiful, clear, cold, sunny day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. We are to hit the high temperature of 30 degrees, but it is 4:30 p.m. and the temperature is 29 degrees. I believe that is the high for the day. It was 8 degrees this morning when I came downstairs at 5:15 a.m. So many schools still closed due to weather, icy roads being the cause. Some roads still have snow as well as ice. So many mountains in this area, so many curvy narrow roads. We are better off then the states on the golf and Atlantic coast who are fighting snow, ice, and many have no snow equipment to handle it. They also are in the freezing mode.

Not a great deal going on around here. Sierra is enjoying the sun streaming in the front windows. The Christmas cactus is enjoying it also. Maybe the hydrangea is but it is in its winter mode so not doing much. I guess it will come back to “life” in the spring. I hope so anyway.
The same goers for the other plant that hibernates during the winter. We won’t mention the outdoor plants that have probably froze to death. I hope they all come back also.

The news has been interesting today. Our new President is having quite a time with all his pen and wants and wishes. I guess there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things, including changes. But it seems that he sees only His way, and that doesn’t always work. A whole lot of people have a whole lot to say about each signature he has applied to his “executive orders.” It makes me think of Daniel, Chapter 7 in the bible. And also Revelations, chapter 11, I think. Both refer to a King that will come to rule everything, but doesn’t last long. Of course, there is a lot more to that, but if you read both, you will probably understand.

I have spent a lot of today hunting receipts, one especially, to go with a cancelled check to send to Guidepost. I got the whole thing together and it is ready to mail back to them along with a request to cancel my account. they do this every three or four months, sending a letter that I haven’t paid an invoice for a book. I have to go through the file, then find the cancelled check on line, and copy both and mail it back, to prove that it has been paid. This time it was an invoice from September. The proof is ready to send back along with a note to please cancel my account and do not send me anything else. I did mention that I was tired of having to prove to them that whatever invoice they are seeking payment for has been paid. I am so thankful that I keep records and receipts, dated and check #, as well as when I write a check the account # plus the name of the book is on the check. It sure has come in handy these past two years.

Wah’s Handy Hints: ” A supply of pipe cleaners kept near the sink will be handy for cleaning spouts of coffee and tea pots. They are also good for cleaning the narrow of a percolator.”

Have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it a productive, pleasant, healthy, cheerful and fun day.
