A cloudy, cold winter day. the temperature at 4: 28 p.m. is 23 degrees. I believe that is the high for the day. Tomorrow the cold will be 9 when we get up at 5:00 and should reach in the 30s for the high. We will think we are having a heat wave.

Today I feel like this cold may be working its way out of me. I do hope. It sure has kicked me in the rear. I am behaving and staying in, not overexerting myself and following the doctor’s orders. Not exactly willingly but really want over this mess. I have things to do, people to see, and places to go! I think that is how that saying goes.

Today I have worked on my stories, have written two with, I believe, 3 or 4 to go. I have answered e-mails, done my games, made beef stroganoff for dinner, and that is about it. Of course tended to Miss Bossy, Sierra. She can be so demanding when she wants something. She has gotten in the habit of me sitting in the recliner with a blanket and her curled up in my lap for a good part of the afternoon. That didn’t happen today or yesterday.

There isn’t much excitement around here. The only dog I have seen walking its master is Shadow, who thinks this cool weather is perfect for strolling and running. His master, who is bundled up like he is at the North Pole, isn’t into the running part of that. One, he isn’t that ambitious and two, there is lots of black ice out there. I think Shadow’s master thinks that if he fell shadow would take off for God know where or else shadow would pull him across the streets, to the highway and probably all the way to the dog park. I pray that he doesn’t hit black ice and fall.

Today is son Jeff’s 53rd birthday. He is returning to work tonight after being off for two or three weeks recovering from his surgery. He will be in surveillance which will keep him quiet and not doing to much physical rough housing. He is still healing and that will take a couple of month. He gets his exercise walking his dog, Molly. She is a senior citizen so doesn’t romp and run very much.

Wah’s Household Hints: “A swinging door that is used often collects finger prints & smudges. To avoid constant cleaning, apply spray on starch to the most used areas. This will keep the door clean, glossy and free of finger marks.”

Have a great, energetic, adventurous, cheerful, and fun rest of your day.



A beautiful, cold, sunny January winter day. We got up to 13 this morning at 4:30, and it is now 3:57 p.m. and it is 22 degrees. We are in a deep freeze period. This will last most of the week with it being 9 degrees Wednesday morning. In one word, Burr!

At 12:01 p.m., Eastern time, our 47th President was sworn in. President Trump took the oath with his family standing right by him. Vice President Vance and his family were there, he taking the oath prior to President Trump. I believe it is going to be an interesting and active four years with those two in office.

Also in attendance was Past President Obama, Past president and Mrs. Bush, Past President and Mrs. Clinton, and of course now Past President and Dr. Jill Biden. I believe his was a hard ceremony for the past Presidents as President Trump hit on some sore spots in his speech. He also told what he was going to do today, and in the future. He said that God saved him from being killed so he can accomplish all. I do believe God put him there and maybe do accomplish all he intends to accomplish. I have a feeling there will be a lot of toes stepped on, feelings hurt and a bit of fighting before to long. I hope you all got to listen to his speech and watch the audience. Billy Graham Jr. gave a great prayer as did a priest. Both very meaningful, sincere, and good.

The weekend was quiet and productive. Kleenex made more money off of me, as did Coricidin but after a set back on Sunday, I am feeling much better today. Friday after Dottie git out of the Doctor’s office, we went and had lunch, then off to see Tammy and Jerry’s new home. It is large, pretty, interesting and fun. The dogs will get an acre fenced in to run, play, just enjoy, The other acre holds the swimming pool, shed, patio and grass area. That will be kept pretty, neat, and for the humans to enjoy. No dogs allowed in that area. The house itself has three bedrooms, an office, large kitchen, living room and dining room all in one. It has a fire place so will be nice and cozy. There is a large back porch/ patio and a lovely front porch with two rocking chairs that the previous owners left. There is a two car garage plus a side garage door for putting a boat in that end. All very nice and usable. I hope the dogs enjoy it when they get to move in. They are redoing the hardwood floors prior to moving in. This part of the country you will find hardwood floors most everywhere.

Saturday we cleaned out the freezer and fridge. then went to the grocery store. It was raining, and or misting the whole day. The store was a two hour trip as the shelves were missing so much, lot of things we wanted. One gentleman said that people were stocking up since bad weather was forecast. That is crazy! Skinny Girl pop corn must be everyone steady diet. There was none. Lots of things, sausage links, sausage in general, canned spinach, green onions, every department was out of most everything. We did get filters for the furnace, and things like that. What an experience.

We got home, put groceries away, changed into warm p.j.’s and watched TV while eating chicken and dumplings that Malinda brought over Friday evening. She is a very good cook. Yesterday we watched church on line, then did the laundry and watched TV. A quirt day.

Today, I watched the Presidential thing, took Bill,(next door), to pick up his car, and that is about it, so far. Now it is time to think about starting dinner. Nothing exciting, just 15 bean soup that I pulled out of the freezer. It just needs to heat up. It will be served with cornbread.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Keys: Slip an elastic hat cord through the hole in the key. Then push the metal tips of the cord through the lining near the top of your hand bag. Then you can unlock the door without detaching the key from your purse.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, warm, energetic, cheerful and fun day.



Good Morning Sunshine!

I am doing my blog this morning as I will be out all afternoon and part of the evening. So far today is sunny and said to reach a high of 51 degrees. Tomorrow will bring rain and Sunday the chance of snow. We want to get our grocery shopping done and any other outdoor activities accomplished this afternoon and evening so will be set for the weekend and next week. Monday, Tuesday and beyond are to be in the single digits and I know I don’t want to be out in that. Time will tell if Tina will be able to go to work because of road conditions, like ICE! Many schools have been closed all week since last weeks snow storm. Of course, back here, there are so many two lane, windy, hilly, mountain roads that are unsafe and or in-passable because of ice and snow. It is hard for the sun to shine through the thick trees and foliage to melt the ice and snow. No wonder the kids have to go to school way into June or July. They need to make up school days.

Melinda, our neighbor, brought over home made chicken and dumplings last evening. She is a very good cook so we are very appreciative of her willingness to share with us. They are nice people, cheerful, and good neighbors to all in our place here.

When Tina got off the phone and discovered chicken and dumplings, she said that chicken and dumplings was one of the topics discussed at the Crafter’s meeting Wednesday evening. The topic was how people made their dumplings. She told them that it was new to her that here people took canned biscuits dough, rolled it out, cut it into squares or oblong pieces and put them in the broth with the chicken, etc. They thought her a bit odd, so asked how she made them? She said that her grandmothers, and her mom made biscuit dough out of Bisquick, then dropped spoon fulls into the broth (gravy). the batter then went town to the bottom, came up and when served were sort of crisp on the outside and real biscuits on the inside. I laughed and said that neither of her grandmother’s used Bisquick, but made the dough from scratch. I also made it from scratch. Bisquick didn’t come on the market until 1931. that was during the great depression, and money was scarce. Bisquick would of been considered a non-accentual item so not on many peoples grocery list. When she got to thinking about it, she never used Bisquick until after she was married.

That is about all the excitement at the moment. I am ready to go to town. Jerry and Dotty will pick me up between 11:30 a.m. and noon. We will go to Dottie’s eye appointment where he will leave us and Tina will meet us. From there we will probably go to Dottie’s depending on how she feels. She might want to go eat lunch as she can’t eat anything after midnight until after her surgery. I know that when she gets trough with all that she will be hankering for a coke and a juicy hamburger…..maybe from Nick and J’s. they have the very best. More about all that adventure on Monday.

Wah’s Hint of the day: “Use hot vinegar to remove paint from glass. It is far quicker and safer then scraping paint from glass with a razor blade.”

Every evening, when e go upstairs to bed, I have been reading my daily devotions and the bible. I find the more I read, the more answers I get, and the more questions I have. In Bible Study we have been studying Revelations and Daniel. Both are fascinating, interesting, and though provoking. I can see so much of what is going on in the world today mirroring what went on back in Jesus’s day and time period. Especially the wars between kings and nations. One king coming to power over all the nations, then after a short while, he looses power to a stronger king. The final King or Ruler will be Christ, of course. But the journey to get to that point is something to put the fear of God in one, if paying attention to the politics and world leaders of today.

Have a wonderful, rest of your Friday and a Adventurous, entertaining, relaxing, fand fun weekend.



A beautiful day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Sunny, breezy and right now the temperature is 52 degree. It was 23 when we got up this morning, so appreciate the sunshine. It helps warm the house up and brightens the rooms wonderfully. Sierra has enjoyed it very much.

I got busy this morning and started cleaning out the file cabinet. I have one section done and a few more left to do. There is always surprises awaiting in some of the files, so it pays to look carefully. Today I found a credit card, not activated. I shredded it. Also a few misfiled papers. Only me to blame on that one. Will do more this weekend I believe.

Tina went to Crafty Crafters last evening and said it was so much fun catching up with the ladies
They all had stories to tell and things to share. Lorena told how she has a 1-1/2 quart crockpot and she prepares most of her dinners in it. She will make a roast one night, with the veggie, etc and that will be one nights dinner. the nest night she cuts up part of the roast into small chunks and makes mashed potatoes our of the ones left from the night before and serves the cut up roast with gravy over the mashed potatoes. The third night is a roast beef sandwich. She lives alone, so this way she has a new dish every night, and serves it in a mug so very few dishes or pots and pans. She does this with many recipes and it works well. At least for her. Tina said all the ladies thought it a good idea but none seemed to hep on a “meal in a cup”.

One of the ladies got in an accident yesterday or the day before and her car was totaled. She thought the car in front of her was turning so she kept going, and hit it. The ar she hit didn’t get damaged but hers was totaled. Fortunately, no one was hurt, She is the lady we have nicknamed “The Energizer Bunny”.

I have felt and done much better today so do believe I am o the mend. I hope so. I am going out tomorrow, with a mask if need be. I need fresh air, sunshine and human company. Sierra is good company, and Tina is good company, but she is at work, then home, dinner and soon after. Sierra is good company, bossy, either wanting attention or off to one of her secret hiding places for a long nap.

Wah’s Handy Hint of the Day: ” When a cutting from a potted plant is hard to root, cover it with a clean drinking glass until it takes root.”

Time to prepare diner. I wonder if Tina will appreciate it in a cup? It is 15 bean soup and corned bread.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it pleasant, relaxing, enjoyable and fun day.
