Thursday, July 14, 2022 Mostly Sunny Few Fluffy Clouds 86 Degrees 4:36 p.m.
Another beautiful day in East Tennessee. I think we might get a shower later on but right now all is calm ans warm. I will have to go out and water this evening if we don’t get a shower. I don’t mind doing that as I love the green grass and healthy trees and beautiful flowers. The garden is going well for the most part. We lost the squash to the heat but there is always next year.
When we bought this house the only furniture that came with it was an old piano that has seen much better days. So Tina and I decided that we would put it on the for sale site on Face Book and see if anyone wanted it. It was a FREE item. It will have a new home tomorrow. I think the person who wants it will use it for parts to fix other pianos. It sounds terrible and it has a few battle scares. It will help other pianos have a better music life.
My project today was working on the drawers on the buffet. I didn’t get very far as I had a call from my cousin and we chatted for quite awhile. We had not visited for many years so it was fun catching up with that family’s news. We will keep in better touch.
Now it is time to get a quick supper and get ready for games this evening. I am prepared to be beaten in Yahtzee as I haven’t been lucky in that game for quite awhile.
Quote of the day: Be Kind to others: Small everyday acts of kindness have a bigger impart then you think. I’ve gotten so caught up in my to do list that my week has sometimes felt like a slog. Then an unexpected spark of kindness would remind me not to only enjoy the moment but also that life is filled with such moments. Katheryn Allen Berlandi Sherman, Connecticut
Have a fantastic rest of your Thursday. Remember to make it a cheerful, kind, friendly, safe and fun day.