Monday, August 15, 2022 Partly sunny, Breezy A bit humid, 84 Degrees 3:29 p.m.

Today is Monday and the month of August is half over. this month has sure gone fast, as has the year so far. Las Saturday my grandson turned 29 year old. The Saturday before my youngest granddaughter turned 29 years old. It seems like just yesterday they were just youngsters running around and playing hide and seek, marbles, dolls, etc and their biggest care in the whole world was having to go to bed so early. Happy Birthday Kara Walters and Miles Walters.
The weekend was busy. Saturday I went with Tammy to Dottie’s and we shucked corn. Six dozen. They ended up in the freezer. It was fun chatting and working together. Prior to arriving at Dottie’s Tammy picked me up and took me with her to pick up the corn. That was fun as I got to see parts of this area that I had no clue existed. So many beautiful areas and interesting areas. I also got to meet her cousins in one town and her brother and his wife in another town. One town is Halls and the other is Powell. we were either in Haskell or went through it. I am not sure. It sure was a fun and enjoyable day.
Sunday was quiet. We got up at 4:30 so we could watch Charles Stanley at 5:00 a.m. He is so good. Then Tina wen to work and I watched Hope in the Wild and a couple other shows that come on early. After the “infa-mercial”came on I had breakfast. I spent the rest of the day reading and working some on the computer. TV in the evening. We watched one of our taped shows, PASSWORD. It is great, funny and entertaining. If you haven’t seen it you should check it out. We also watched the finally of the Ugliest house in America. That was pretty good.
Today we cleaned out the shed, or at least half of the shed and got 5 or 6 plastic totes for Dottie. We also got a bunch of stuff to take to Habitate for Humanity which we will do tomorrow. A day well spent, I think. Now am getting ready for Pamela to arrive and play some games.
Quote of the day: Whatever you and your house are like–whether your housekeeping system is the casual stow- and- slam method or the super organized home where even the dustballs line up evenly under the bed, the most important thing to fill your home with is joy. What a blessing to step inside a home and immediately feel surrounded by a bubble of laughter and a blanket of love.
Have a great rest of your Monday and make it prosperous, pleasant, profitable and fun.