Thursday, February 23, 2023 Sunny Windy Beautiful Warm 75 Degrees 2:46 p.m.

Springtime in February. A lot of the country are experiencing wild winter weather while here in East Tennessee we are experiencing warm, spring weather. I know that it isn’t going to last past today, but I am enjoying it while I can. The weekend is looking very wet, chilly, and more like winter with much cooler temperatures.

A mostly quiet day so far. Sharon stopped in this morning and I enjoy her brief visits. We talked about the coming of spring and plants and such. I am all for not doing a bunch of flowers and such as I am the one who goes out to water it all. The hose is always there so isn’t to bad, but pulling the weeds and keeping the area looking decent is a task. I do like the pretty flowers and shrubs, and I want the front to look pretty. So, I will do my best to help keep it nice, neat and pretty. I want to keep the birds happy and healthy.

The dog across the street is barking but I can’t see at what. He barks constantly as I think he is home alone all day and part of the night, in a small area with nothing to do but bark. I think it is so cruel to keep a dog in such tiny quarters. He is a large dog, maybe a lab mix, and all alone. He needs a companion and an acre to run in. His area is maybe four feet by six feet, if that big. The fence is wood slats, wide and thick. The ground is grass, I think. Poor puppy dog.

WE plan on going grocery shopping after Tina gets home as we don’t want to be out in the rain on Saturday, or tomorrow. Our list isn’t large so it shouldn’t take to long. We do have to go to Pet Smart, Walmart, and Kroger’s. Maybe CVS. I hope everyone is home doesn’t have the same idea we do about shopping and rain. And I hope the shelves are not all empty. I sometimes thing that everyone eats, and uses the same things we do? I also wonder why the stores are pushing their brands and slowly pushing out the brands that we have used forever? And why would anyone who is capable of going to the store to pick out their own groceries shop on line? or just drive to the parking lot and have the clerk put the groceries in the car after the clerk has done your shopping? Soon it will be robots doing all the jobs the clerks and cashiers do. We humans are becoming obsolete I guess. Maybe I need to get out more.

Quote of the day: “Middle age is when you want to see how long your car will last…instead of how fast it will go.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a industrious, productive, positive, pleasurable and fun day.
