Monday, February 27, 2023 Raining Windy Cloudy Warm Winter? 68 Degrees 5:17 p.m.

A beautiful windy rainy Monday. We have had rain on and off all day with some heavy downpours and fierce winds. I don’t feel the wind in here so only know it is really windy if someone calls and comments on how terrible the wind is or I look out and see everything going back and forth. Today Tina said it was like some of the ones we got in Searchlight.

The weekend was quiet. We had weather, rain and wind, but not to cold. We did some shopping for what we forgot the last shopping trip then home and did things around the house, watched a movie and did a lot of reading. A great weekend. Sunday I was back at Walmart for some envelopes and they had none the size I wanted, three boxes of the ones with windows and 5 boxes of letter size. It looked looked someone had gone through that area and open, tore and just made a mess in genera, of the envelope area. So sad that people thing that is necessary.

Today was laundry day and that is always fun. Sierra likes for me to set the nice warm clothes on the table and put the next load in. She tries to be unnoticed so she can lay in the warm ones. I am on to her so now fold them before putting in the next load.

Quote of the day: “ANOTHER TITLE DESTINED TO BE A BESTSELLER: “Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are from Cleveland.” Tom Armstrong

I hope you had a great weekend, safe, dry, warm and fun. Have a wonderful rest of you Monday. Make it enjoyable, pleasurable, thankful and fun
