Friday March 24, 2023

This is an addition

The Women’s Vols’ Basket ball team, who are in the Sweet Sixteen , play Saturday Night in Seattle Washington, against the Virginia Tech. MARCH MADNESS!


FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023 Partly Sunny Breezy Warm Nice 73 Degrees 4:30 p.m.

TGIF Well, it is Friday and warm and the sun plays hide and seek with the clouds. So nice to have a warm day. I believe yesterday’s temperature was higher but the wind made it cooler. Rain tonight into tomorrow morning. In this part of the world the sun doesn’t shine to much at night so hopefully it will shine again after the rain stops in the morning. Wishful thinking I am sure.

The weekend is upon us. Here, the Vols’ girl basketball team plays in the Sweet 16 game tomorrow in. I think then men’s Vols basketball team lost last night. I forgot about the game and stuck my nose in a book.

Tomorrow we are taking the remaining 3 screens from the front room windows to Ace Hardware and getting them re-screened. Then we are going to go invest in bird seed. These birds are eating us out of house and home. We now have Mr. and Mrs. Robin Redbreast hunting for worms and bugs in the grass. They must be getting a lot of them as the are getting plump. This year I believe the birdhouse that is in the dogwood tree will be occupied. I see a titmouse going in and out of the house. I think they will do better in the birdhouse in the tree then in a hanging plant in our little porch.

Quote of the day: “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Virginia Satir

Have a great rest of your day. And a fantastic weekend. Make all safe, satisfying, enjoyable, healthy and fun.
