Monday, March 13, 2023 Mostly cloudy Windy Cold 48 Degrees 4:31 p.m.
A typical March day. Windy, Cold, Cloudy and Monday. The weatherman said that we will be in a freeze starting tonight through tomorrow at noon. Time to bring out the heavy jackets , fur gloves and warm boots. That is for Tina. As for me, I will stay home in the warm house with sweats and fur slippers.
We had a very good weekend and a busy one. Saturday we made sure the house was ready for company, put the corned beef in the crockpot, and went to the Woman’s Retreat at the Woodland’s Baptist Church. It was very nice. The speakers were ladies from around here and they told how they became Christians and why. One lady was a pastor’s daughter. Once she went off to school she learned about life of a collage girl and had a great time. She graduated, got a job and thought life was just perfect. She then met this man who seemed to have it all in control, was always pleasant, kind and steady. She started dating him and decided that she wanted what he had. She married him. She learned about God and all He had to offer. She really felt the need to explore this new feeling so she went to the seminary and became a minister. She had been raised in a Methodist church, so she went there to see about being a part time pastor. They said that she needed to go to the seminary. She told them she had graduated from the seminary. They said she had to go to the Methodist seminary. She said that she was a Baptist now so she didn’t believe she needed to continue to be a member of the Methodist church any longer. Today she is the pastor at the correction institute, (Prison) in Tennessee. She is a very nice lady, married, has children, small in stature and big in heart, wisdom and compassion. What impressed me most was when she said that she didn’t believe that God judged people by what church they belonged to but by the person themselves.
The church is rather small by the standards of all the very large, impressive churches that are found back here. As with most every building back here, it is two stories, the sanctuary on the main level and most everything else in the basement level. They have a stair chair for those who find it difficult to climb the stairs. It is an older one but works very well. Yes, I used it. They served a lovely luncheon in the basement area.
We met several ladies from across the state as well as other states who came for this retreat. All were very nice and friendly. One was a lady who had lived in the city her whole life. After marriage, her husband and her bought a farm. When they married she had one child from a previous marriage and he had two. She told him that she had always wanted to adopt as she felt there was such a need. Soon she got pregnant and they had a set of twins. They then were called on to be told that the baby they wanted to adopt was ready to be picked up so they went and got him. That was five children. Now, a few years later, the have a total of 11. She is slender, friendly, agile, and enjoys all of her children as does her husband. All I can say is WOW!
Saturday evening Jerry, Tammy and Dottie came for dinner. It was a fun evening as we always enjoy their company. They brought desert, Shamrock ice cream Sundays and they were good. After eating them we were freezing. Not Jerry, just us ladies. A fun evening for sure.
Quote of the day: ” For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you’ll never walk alone.” Sam Levenson
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a pleasant, productive, positive and fun day.