Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Partly Sunny Warm Slight Breeze 84 Degrees 4:30 p.m.

A beautiful day here. A bit on the warm side but nice with just the right breeze to be comfortable if one is outside doing yard work, playing or walking the dog. The dogs seem to enjoy the nice weather as they want to move faster then their two legged walking partner.

So far today, the big surprise was a huge turkey buzzard flying right in front of my windows, heading towards the street in front. His wing span was at least 8 feet if not more. When he landed Bill went out to see if it was an Eagle. It was a turkey buzzard. There was a road kill in the street that had attracted him. He not only came swooping in once, but twice. I have seen turkey buzzards plenty of times, but not close up with their wings spread out, flying! Right in front of my windows! When he went by my window he was probably 4 to 5 feet above the ground. And probably that far from the windows.

I had a Instagram message from a gentleman who, with his wife, go to the church we went to in Boulder city. He was mentioning that people who were born in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s, have seen more changes then in any other century since the beginning. Some of the things he mentioned was going from phones that were party lines and an operator had to place long distance calls to the cell phone that is basically a hand held computer. Or an I-pad. There was so much more and yet there is still more that he didn’t mention in the long list that he put out. We have seen men walk on the moon, an we can fly anyplace in the world in a matter of minutes or hours depending where we want to go. Now there is space travel for citizens by private companies with space ships. All you need is good health and lots of money. We have robots and Artificial Intelligence, cloning, and all sorts of weird things. What we saw in comic books in the 49’s and 50’s have come into being a reality. What great inventions we are privileged to be able to use daily and think nothing of how, not to long ago, what we take for granted wasn’t even invented. How wonderful and awesome is that?!

Quote of the day: “There are two kinds of women who will pay big bucks for a makeup mirror that magnifies their faces. The first are the young models who need to be sure to cover every eyelash and define their lips. The second group are the women who, without their glasses, can’t even find their faces.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. think positive, enjoy every minute, be Thankful and make it a fun day.


TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Partly Sunny Slight Breeze Quiet 82 Degrees 4:41 p.m.

The long weekend is over and it is now back to business as usual. I hope you had a wonderful, safe, happy and healthy holiday weekend.

The weekend was busy but fun. After finding the park in Lenore, and driving through the whole thing, we found the sign. It is next weekend! So, we left there and went to a cute dress shop named Cato’s and did a bit of shopping. such cute things and good prices. We then met Jerry for lunch at Nick and Jane’s. Great food and a busy cute little place. Upon leaving there Tammy went with Jerry to pick up her car (it got new tires), while Dottie, Tina and I went to Turkey Creek, to Belk’s. they had sales. So fun and great sales. We then visited the Home store but didn’t stay there long. Dropped Dottie off at home so her puppy dog could give her the What For for leaving her home alone with just the TV for company. Tina and I headed home, stopping at the fruit stand and buying fresh Georgia peaches and strawberries. So Good.

Sunday was Charles Stanley, the breakfast and a trip to Home Depot for a filter for the fridge. Then back to Belk’s, only the one here in Oak Ridge as I wanted to exchange the tops i bought for a larger size because I am sure they will shrink some and then become form fitting. Tina was looking for a shrug to go with an outfit she bought so ended up at Penny’s where she found two that are perfect. After that a visit to Kroger’s and home.

Monday we went to Jerry’s for hot dogs. A great meal that left me stuffed and ready for a nap. We enjoyed the puppy dogs. Dallas, the baby puppy now weights 23 pounds. She is fast growing out of the lap dog size and into the horse size. She is so pretty and so fun to play with and watch. The other three mostly ignore her or growl at her when she gets in their way. A fun afternoon. Great company and good food as well as live entertainment, with fur.

Quote of the day: “Grandma Brown took her two grandchildren to the zoo…. They stopped before a huge cage of storks. Grandma told the two youngsters that these were the birds that brought both of them to their dad and mom. The two children looked at one another; then the oldest leaned over and whispered in his sibling’s ear; “Don’t you think that we ought to tell Grandma the truth?”” James E. Myers

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make is a restful, productive, thoughtful and fun day.


FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023 Mostly Sunny Still Calm 80 Degrees 3:47 p.m.

The school bus just dropped kids off. I think they are going to summer school as I thought regular school was out last week. Here, there is a reading test that is given to all third graders. If they don’t pass that test they either have to take it over and pass, go to summer school or have a tutor. If at the end of the summer school period and if the tutor can’t bring their score up to par they have to repeat the third grade. Parents are up in arms about it as they feel that is a bit steep for kids that can’t read to the states lever and that the legislators and government shouldn’t be telling the teachers and parents at what level their children should be able to read. Special Ed children are exempt from this. It is reading and understanding what you are reading, following instructions, etc. One has to admit, some books are more interesting then others. I believe it is not that most of the kids can’t read. I believe it is the understanding of reading a story problem in math and solving the problem. You know, apples and oranges don’t mix.

The long weekend is here. The highways and the airports are busy as is the highways in the sky. Gas prices are down, except in California, where it is down but still sky high. All the Florida beaches are preparing for large crowds and warning of sharks, etc. The Carolina’s are having rain so the beaches might not be the sunny place people are looking for. The waters off the east coast are chilly, in the 60’s, so swimming there might be close to the polar dip. Off the coast of Spain one has to watch out for the killer whales attacking boats. The forest trails offer their own calming effect, but watch out for bears. they are out and about. Those cubs are sure cute.

Whatever you do to celebrate Memorial Day, take a few minutes and remember the brave men and women who have fought for this country, for rights and freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted. Have a very happy, safe, healthy and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend.


THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023 Mostly Sunny, Breezy, Warm 81 Degrees 4:28 p.m.

The Memorial Day weekend is here. Well, starts tomorrow. The weather should be fantastic with the highs in the 70’s and a slim chance of rain. Gas prices here are down 10 Cents a gallon and they say groceries are down also. I haven’t seen the price of groceries go down, but then I probably haven’t looked closely. All in all, it should be a lovely four or three day weekend. Some people have taken tomorrow off work so they have a longer weekend, probably going out of town.

We are planning on going to Loudon to a craft fair on Saturday. That is about 30 miles from here. Dottie is going with us so we will pick her up, (that is 28 miles from here) then go on to the Craft fair. So that will make it about 50 miles. It should be fun. After that we will go have lunch. If Tammy and Jerry don’t have plans, she will go with us. That will be fun. Jerry is welcome to come along and add to the fun of the party. I guess it will depend on how many sports events are on the Telly as to if he will venture out. And he has Dallas to train. We could take Dallas along and she could get Socialized while enjoying all the people and activities.

Yesterday, I spent the day with Dottie. I thought we might be painting her porch but she painted the front one on Tuesday so wasn’t moving well yesterday. We had a good day just visiting and looking at how great her yard is coming along. That grass is tall and green and getting thick. She was going to try and mow it today, I think. I was so surprised at how nice and neat the whole property is as when I first saw it I thought it a disaster. It was way over grown and had junk in it and just not what I thought would ever be decent. Now, one couldn’t ever tell it wasn’t the perfect spot on the block.

WE went to COSCO last evening and had a great time. It wasn’t crowded, easy parking and we were in and out within 45 minutes. That is from entering the property until leaving the property. I do believe that is a first.

Quote of the day: “Have you paid someone a compliment lately? Have you told a friend how special he or she is? Have you listened with your eyes and your ears?” Donna Watson

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, enjoyable and fun day.
