FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023 Mostly Sunny Still Calm 80 Degrees 3:47 p.m.

The school bus just dropped kids off. I think they are going to summer school as I thought regular school was out last week. Here, there is a reading test that is given to all third graders. If they don’t pass that test they either have to take it over and pass, go to summer school or have a tutor. If at the end of the summer school period and if the tutor can’t bring their score up to par they have to repeat the third grade. Parents are up in arms about it as they feel that is a bit steep for kids that can’t read to the states lever and that the legislators and government shouldn’t be telling the teachers and parents at what level their children should be able to read. Special Ed children are exempt from this. It is reading and understanding what you are reading, following instructions, etc. One has to admit, some books are more interesting then others. I believe it is not that most of the kids can’t read. I believe it is the understanding of reading a story problem in math and solving the problem. You know, apples and oranges don’t mix.

The long weekend is here. The highways and the airports are busy as is the highways in the sky. Gas prices are down, except in California, where it is down but still sky high. All the Florida beaches are preparing for large crowds and warning of sharks, etc. The Carolina’s are having rain so the beaches might not be the sunny place people are looking for. The waters off the east coast are chilly, in the 60’s, so swimming there might be close to the polar dip. Off the coast of Spain one has to watch out for the killer whales attacking boats. The forest trails offer their own calming effect, but watch out for bears. they are out and about. Those cubs are sure cute.

Whatever you do to celebrate Memorial Day, take a few minutes and remember the brave men and women who have fought for this country, for rights and freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted. Have a very happy, safe, healthy and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend.
