Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Hazy Sunshine Still warmer Smoky 84 Degrees 5:10 p.m.

I believe the haze is the smoke from the wildfires in Canada. They are having a rough time with all their fires. I hope that they an get them out soon.

Not a whole lot of excitement around here today. I think that we had a deer go through here last night as the birdbath is knocked over and laying on the ground. Maybe more then one. Right now we are the only ones with a birdbath out.

Julie has her new living room floor done so we are going to go over and see it before they get the furniture put back in. We went and looked. It is very nice. The color is a medium brown and tan. So pretty. She said that they just did the living room, hall and laundry room as the rest of the downstairs has tile. One day we will get ours done, but it will be more then just the living room.

It is humid out and warm. The hummingbirds don’t mind as they are very busy enjoying their feeder. I will have to put the new one out in the morning. WE have two so we can change them out. They are such beautiful birds.

Quote of the day: “A little smile can brighten someone’s day. And while you’re smiling you might as well go one step further and share a chuckle or two.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. It is the middle of the work week and you have a long weekend ahead, if you take Monday off. That will make next work week shorter. Make it a pleasant, safe, happy and fun rest of your day.
