MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023 Mostly sunny, Humid Slight Breeze Hot 88 Degrees 3:41 p.m.

It is Monday, the last day of July. It is also a bit cooler then last week. People are out walking their dogs, kids just go off the school bus, and things seems normal once again.

Saturday we had a thunderstorm that was loud, bringing a downpour that filled the birdbath and then some, producing lots of water for the grass, flowers, trees and shrubs. We had no damage here but several places had down trees, limbs, and flooding. If we flood it will come in the front door and so far we have not flooded. I am so thankful.

Saturday we, Tina, Tammy, Jerry, Dottie and I, went to the theater and saw “Oppenheimer”. It was very good for the most part. The story was about the invention that he and fellow scientists made, the Hydrogen Bomb. All were expecting more of the roll that Oak Ridge and Nevada, among other states, made in that project. The Manhattan Project! But the story was more about him and his primary place in New Mexico. The movie would have been better had they left the nudity, sex and bad language out. Where there was so much history being told that would of been useful to many students turned out to be not for children due to the sex stuff, which didn’t have anything to do with the basic story.

Sunday was a busy day. Pamela and her husband Jerry came over. He put our new “pantry” together for us and both Tina and I appreciate that so much. Then I texted Jerry and told him all my problems, actually just the dryer vent duck hose that had a whole in it and that I was trying to repair, and also the door that was crooked on the pantry which Jerry Ford could get to work right either. My Jerry worked on it and finally said that he would have to research the problem as something wasn’t gelling. Tina said to get a saw and cut one end off. I said maybe switch doors or turn one of them upside down. He said no to both great ideas.

My Jerry then took on the project of the dryer hose and got it repaired properly. Today I was able to wash and dry clothes. Laundry done for the week, I hope. All worked splendidly. I am so happy!

I am praying that the wild fire that is burning in the borders of California and Nevada, close to Nipton, is soon put out and no one is hurt. Last I heard highway 164 was closed, meaning that no one can get from I-15 through to Highway 95. That was early this morning.

Quote of the day: “At our age, forget this natural ingredients, We need all the artificial color and preservatives we can get.” My Calendar

Have a great Monday. Make it a safe, productive, active, cool and fun day.


FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023 Mostly Sunny Hot Feels Like Las Vegas 93 Degrees 4:41 p.m.

Today it is hot and a bit humid. Like 60% humidity. The heat index is over 100. I am not sure what that means, but I do know that it is hot outside. In here it is nice as I have the ceiling fans going and the thermometer set at 73. If we turn it lower the upstairs rooms get up to 80 and that is not good sleeping temperature.

The birds don’t seem to mind the heat. The hummingbirds have come close to completing their daily full feeder of food. There is at least six of them, so pretty and so colorful. On the seed feeder I have a variety of wrens, woodpeckers, cardinals, and a cute little black and gray one that I haven’t identified as yet. There are doves that eat what ever gets knocked down on the ground. A goldfinch makes an appearance every once in a while. they are so pretty.

Today Pamela and I went to the movies and saw “Barbie”. Neither of us cared to much for it. I was amazed at the amount of women over 50 + who were there. Two little girls, two elderly couples and one youngish man plus Pamela and I. Pamela said that some of her girlfriends had gone and really liked the movie. Tina said that several from her office had gone and liked it. There was some good parts but not many. All in all I thought it was juvenile. It is rated PG and I believe that is because at the end it shows Barbie at a desk. The lady at the desk asks her her name and she says, Wilson, Barbie. The lady asks why she is there and Barbie says I want to see my gynecologist. that is the end of the movie. We know that Ken likes her and Barbie doesn’t seem very interested in him per say. After all, all the men are named Ken and all the girls are named Barbie! It is Barbie Land and then the Real World.

Now it is dinner time. Something cool and colorful. a green salad with grilled chicken, I think.

Quote of the day: “Thinking will get us to the foot of the mountain. Faith will get us to the top.” My Calendar

have a great rest of your Friday and a relaxing, enjoyable, adventurous, safe and cool weekend.



Thursday, July 27, 2023 Sunny Still Hot 1 Cloud 89 Degrees 4:47 p.m.

Another beautiful warm summer day. We might get over 90 degrees here in Oak Ridge, but so far we haven’t made it to 90 yet. In Knoxville it is 91 I believe they said. Yes, it is summertime.

A busy day with the normal housework, feeding the hummingbirds and other birds, and cat. All are fed and birds are busy eating. I must say, they all should be fat as little pigs, but they aren’t.

We are going grocery shopping tonight as the weekend will be busy with parents and kids preparing for school. Tennessee has a great program, This weekend they will have a tax free for parents buying school supplies. That save quite a lot. Then they have a tax free on groceries for a three month period, I believe. That is a major help, especially for large families. And my neighbor who has a teenage boy who eats a lot.

Quote of the day: “Here are some other signs that you are living somewhere between estrogen and death; 1. When you do the hokey Pokey you put your left hip out and it stays there. 2. You run out of breath walking down a flight of stairs. 3. Classmates at your reunion think you’re one of their former teachers.” My Calendar

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a enjoyable, pleasant, relaxing, cool and fun day.



Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Sunny Windy Summertime Hot 92 Degrees 5:14 p.m.

Summer is defiantly here. It is hot and humid. In the house it isn’t bad at all, but outside it is hot. Tomorrow is to be about the same I believe. The heat wave the rest of the country has been experiencing has finally made its way here. I am not complaining as it could be so much worse. In Florida even the ocean water temperature is 100 plus.

The hummingbirds are still here in multiple numbers. I have to fill the hummingbird feeder at least once a day and I believe today it will be twice as it is empty. I filled it this morning around 8:30 and it is empty, or below the place where I can see the sugar water.

Yesterday we had a major thunderstorm. And rain. It came down hard and loud. There was wind with it and I believe the wind did damage here and there. We were fine as far as I can tell. I stayed off the computer and phone and TV just because I didn’t like the lightening. Many years ago the lightening hit and blew the screen out of the TV. Jerry, Jeffy, and the little boy who lived across the street from us was on the couch, watching cartoons. I had just finished instructing them to sit on the couch away from right in front of the TV, turned and headed back towards the kitchen when it went BOOM and the glass was all over the living room carpet, mostly in front of the TV. That is something I won’t forget. So I prefer to not be on the electronics when there is lightening close. Yes, we had to buy a new TV.

Quote of the day: “Our days are identical suitcases—-all the same size—-but some people can pack more into theirs then others.” Bits and Pieces

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make the day a energetic, adventurous, cheerful, cool and fun.
